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Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti - Testata per la stampa

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Foto di Carlo Doglioni

Carlo Doglioni

Professore ordinario di Geologia nell'Università "La Sapienza" di Roma 
Nato a Feltre (BL), 25/1/1957
Liceo Classico (Feltre) 1975
Laurea in Geologia all'Università di Ferrara, 1981
Assistente all'Università di Ferrara, 1981-1983 
Ricercatore all'Università di Ferrara, 1983-1992
Professore associato all'Università di Bari 1992-1994
Professore ordinario all'Università della Basilicata, 1994-1997
Professore ordinario di Geodinamica alla Sapienza Università di Roma, 1997
Associato IGAG-CNR

Experiences: Visiting researcher at the University of Basel, 1983-1984; Visiting researcher at the University of Oxford, 1985; Visiting researcher at the Rice University in Houston, 1988, 1992, 1994; Scientific party ODP Leg 161 in the western Mediterranean, 1995.
Field researches outside Italy: in Morocco, Mexico, Iran, Tunisia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, Turkey, Japan, California, El Salvador, Ecuador, Iceland.

Services: Member of the Tectonics Panel, Ocean Drilling Program, 1992 -1994; Chairman of the Geodynamics department at the University of Basilicata, 1994-1997; President of the scientific panel CROP project - Crosta Profonda (CNR-AGIP-ENEL), 1999-; Member of the Italian Geological Committee, 2003-; Vice-President of the Italian Geological Society, 2003-2008Editor-in-Chief of Terra Nova 2003-; Editor-in-Chief of Earth Science Reviews 2012-; Associate Editor of Tectonics 2004-2012; Associate Editor of the Brazilian Journal of Geology 2013-; Editorial board Journal Structural Geology, 1987-2007; Bull. Soc. G?. de France, 2000-2005; Compte Rendu Ac. Sci. Bulgare, 2006-; Italian Journal of Geosciences, 2000-; Coordinator project-PI of Sismologia 1 of the Italian Civil Protection, 2008-2010; Chairman of the School in Geological Sciences (Sapienza University), 2009-2012; President of the Italian Geological Society, 2009-2014; Scientific Panel of the Dipartimento Terra e Ambiente-CNR, 2010-; Commission for research evaluation (Sapienza University), 2010-2011; Commission of the Accademia dei Lincei for the environment and the natural hazards 2010-; Reviewer of ESF, MIUR-PRIN, CIVR, ANVUR, International Private and Public universities, foundations and institutions, etc.; International Atomic Energy Agency-IAEA expert; Member of the CIRM, Ministry of Industry of Italy 2013-;
Member of the Scuola Studi Avanzati Sapienza 2014-;

Research activity: Asymmetry of orogens and foreland basins as a function of the subduction polarity; Asymmetry of rift zones; Evidences for the polarization of plate tectonics; Westward drift of the lithosphere; Seismicity versus Earth's rotation, lithostatic load and tectonic setting; Mechanism of earthquakes; Structure and geodynamic evolution of the Alps, Apennines and the Mediterranean; Relationship between tectonics and sedimentation.

Main achievements: Recognition of the tectonic mainstream of plate motion; Description of the tectonic asymmetry of plate boundaries; Documentation of the Earth's rotation role in driving plate tectonics; New model on earthquake generation; Atlas of Italian deep crust (CNR).

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