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Elkhonon Goldberg
Clinical Professor of Neurology alla New York University School of Medicine
- s.s. 19 maggio 2010
M.S. 1970. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Advisor: A.R. Luria)
1973. All requirements for Ph.D. completed with the exception of oral defense (Advisor: A.R. Luria)
Ph.D. 1976. City University of New York
Postdoctoral Training
1974-75 Research Fellow - Illinois State Institute for Developmental Disabilities, Chicago, IL
1975-1976 Research Psychologist - Department of Neuroscience, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NYC
Diplomate of the American Board of Professional Psychology/ American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology (ABPP/ABCN) as of 1987.
Licensed in New York as of 1984. License #008101
Licensed in Pennsylvania as of 1988. License #PS-005130-L
Licensed in New Jersey as of 1992. License #SI)3007
Licensed in New South Wales, Australia. License #PS 0045072
Academic appointments
1976-1978 Instructor of Psychiatry, The New York Hospital - Cornell Medical Center, and guest appointment - The Rockefeller University, NYC
1978-82 Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Downstate Medical Center of SUNY, NYC
1981-pres. Adjunct Professor of Psychology, The City University of New York, NYC
1982-87 Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Neurology; Director, Division of Neuropsychology, Department of Psychiatry, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York
1986 Visiting Scholar - Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, and Visiting Professor - Tel Aviv University, Israel
1987-1993 Professor of Psychiatry and Neurology; Director, Division of Neuropsychology, The
Medical College of Pennsylvania/Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute Philadelphia, PA
1993-pres. Clinical Professor, Department of Neurology, New York University School of Medicine
1993-pres. Lecturer, Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University, New York
1995-pres. Lecturer, The Fielding Graduate Institute
1997-pres. Adjunct Professor, Department of Psychiatry Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York
1998, 1999, 2000 Visiting Scholar, Department of Psychology University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
1999-pres. Director, Institute of Neuropsychology and Cognitive Performance, New York
Professional Societies
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Psychological Association
International Neuropsychological Society
Society for Neuroscience
Training Record (Select)
William Barr, Ph.D. - Graduate student in 1981-1984. Currently Associate Professor of Neurology, New York University School of Medicine.
Robert Bilder, Ph.D. - Graduate student and research assistant in 1978-1981. Currently Professor of Psychiatry and Chief of Medical Psychology, UCLA School of Medicine.
Diane Howieson, Ph.D. - Post-doctoral fellow in 1976-1978. Currently Associate Professor of Neurology and Chief of Neuropsychology, Oregon University of Health Sciences.
Allan Kluger, Ph.D. - Post-doctoral fellow in 1982-1984. Currently Associate Professor of Psychiatry, New York University School of Medicine and Director of Neuropsychology, Millhauser Laboratories.
Kenneth Podell, Ph.D. - Graduate student and research assistant in 1987-1991. Currently Chief of Neuropsychology and Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Henry Ford Health System.
Paul Ramirez, Ph.D. - Graduate student in 1976-1980. Currently Associate Professor, Long Island University.
Grant Support
Principal Investigator - Remediation of cognitive functions impaired due to head trauma. Warner Communications. 1978-1982.
Visiting Scholar - member of a "think tank" on cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology. Institute for Advanced Studies of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The Rotchild Foundation. 1986.
Principal Investigator - Differential rates of decline of cognitive functions in aging. Pennsylvania Geriatric Center. 1989-1990.
Principal Investigator - Neuropsychology of frontal lobe dysfunction in neurological and psychiatric populations. Allegheny-Singer Research Foundation. 1989-1992.
Principal Investigator - Retrograde amnesia in dementias. Pennsylvania Geriatric Center. 1990-1991.
Faculty - Training Program in Schizophrenia. NIMH.
Principal Investigator - Fundamental aspects of hemispheric specialization. Allegheny-Singer Research Foundation. 1991-1992.
Principal Investigator - Early diagnosis and subtyping of frontal lobe dementias. Part of The NYU Dementia CRC (1996-1998).
Editorial Boards
(past or present)
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
Neuropsychology Review
Clinical Psychology Review
(past or present)
Clinical Neuropsychologist
Clinical Psychology Review
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology
Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology and Behavioral Neurology
Psychiatry Research
E. Goldberg. (1990). Contemporary Neuropsychology and the Legacy of Luria. Hillside-London: Lawrence Erlbaum.
E. Goldberg. (2001). The Executive Brain: Frontal Lobes and the Civilized Mind. New York: Oxford University Press (paperback 2002). Translated into Chinese (Taiwan), Czech, Danish, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish.
E. Goldberg. (2005). The Wisdom Paradox: How Your Mind Can Grow Stronger as Your Brain Grows Older. New York: Gotham Books, Penguin. UK Edition: Free Press, Simon & Schuster (2005); Pocket Books (2007). Translated into Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Spanish, and Swedish.
E. Goldberg. The New Executive Brain: Frontal Lobes in a Complex World (2009). Oxford University Press. Being translated into Chinese, Dutch, and Italian.
A-L. Christensen, D. Bougakov, E. Goldberg. Luria?s Legacy in the 21st Century . (2009). Oxford University Press
Original Peer-Reviewed Reports
E. Goldberg. (1970). The levels of memory encoding of a text. In: Proceedings of V All-Union NSO Conference, Moscow Univ. Press, (in Russian).
E. Goldberg & S. Nikitin. (1974). The alphabet of "perceptual etalons" and significant dimensions of the engram of a visual form. Zhurnal Nevropathologii I Psihkiatrii, 2 (in Russian).
E. Goldberg. (1974). Neuropsychology: A tool for assessing normal processing in humans. Novie Issledovania v Pshihologii, 1 (in Russian).
A. Luria, N. Kyaschenko & E. Goldberg. (1975). Memory disorders in diencephalic brain lesions. Novie Issledovania v Psihologii, 3 (in Russian).
A. Luria, E. Goldberg and N. Kyaschenko. (1975). Text-encoding disorders in prefrontal brain lesions. Novie Issledovania v Psihologii, 3 (in Russian).
E. Goldberg. (1975). "The alphabet of perceptual etalons" and significant dimensions of the engram of the visual form. Soviet Psychology, summer volume.
E. Goldberg, H. Vaughan, Jr. & L. Gerstman. (1978). Non-verbal descriptive systems and hemispheric asymmetry: Shape versus texture discrimination. Brain and Language, 5, 249-257.
E. Goldberg & D. Tucker. (1978). Motor perseverations and the levels of encoding a visual form. Journal of Clinical Neuropsychology, 4, 273-288.
E. Goldberg, H. Vaughan, Jr. & L. Gerstman. (1978). Non-verbal hemispheric asymmetry. Language and Language Behavior Abstracts, 13, 290.
E. Goldberg. (1981). Role of the right hemisphere in the formation of linguistic skills. Journal of Educational Neuropsychology, 1, 1-15.
E. Goldberg, S. Antin, R. Bilder, L. Gerstman, J. Hughes & S. Mattis.
(1981). Retrograde amnesia: Possible role of mesencephalic reticular activation in long-term memory. Science, 213, 1392-1394.
E. Goldberg and L. Costa. (1981). Hemisphere differences in the acquisition and use of descriptive systems. Brain and Language, 14, 144-173.
E. Goldberg, L. Gerstman, S. Mattis, J. Hughes, R.Bilder & C. Sirio. (1982). Effects of cholinergic treatment on post-traumatic anterograde amnesia. Archives of Neurology, 39, 581.
E. Goldberg, L. Gerstman, S. Mattis, J. Hughes, C. Sirio & R. Bilder. (1982). Selective effects of cholinergic treatment on verbal memory in post-traumatic amnesia. Journal of Clinical Neuropsychology, 4, 219-234
E. Goldberg, J. Hughes, S. Mattis & S. Antin. (1982). Isolated retrograde amnesia: Different etiologies, same mechanisms? Cortex, 18, 459-462.
E. Goldberg & L. Costa. (1983). Hemisphere differences in the acquisition and use of descriptive systems. Sociological Abstracts.
E. Goldberg. (1985). Akinesia, tardive dysmentia and frontal lobe disorder in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 11, 255-263.
E. Goldberg. (1985). Frontal lobe-like syndromes and schizophrenia. Proceeding of The IV World Congress of Biological Psychiatry.
E. Goldberg. (1986). Varieties of perseveration: Comparison of two taxonomies. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 8, 710-726.
R. Bilder & E. Goldberg. (1987). Motor perseveration in schizophrenia. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2, 195-214.
J.P. Lindenmayer, E. Gardner, E. Goldberg, L. Opler, S. Kay, H. van Praag, M. Weiner & S. Zukin. (1988). High-dose naloxone in tardive dyskinesia. Psychiatry Research, 26, 19-28.
E. Goldberg, R. Bilder, S. Mattis, S. Antin & J. Hughes. (1989). Reticulo-frontal disconnection syndrome. Cortex, 25, 687-695.
E. Goldberg. (1989). The gradiental approach to neocortical functional organization. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 11, 489-517.
P. Kittler, G. Turkewitz and E. Goldberg. (1989). Shifts in hemispheric advantage during familiarization with complex visual patterns. Cortex, 25, 27-32.
W. Barr, R. Bilder, E. Goldberg, E. Kaplan, and S.Mukhergee (1989). Neuropsychology of schizophrenic language. Journal of Communication Disorders,22, 327-349.
W. Barr, E. Goldberg, J. Wasserstein, and P. Novelly. (1990). Patterns of retrograde amnesia in unilateral temporal lobectomies. Neuropsychologia, 28, 243-255.
M. Russ, S. Ackerman, L. Burton, and E. Goldberg. (1990). Cognitive
effects of ECT in the elderly. International Journal of Geriatric Neurology & Psychiatry, 5,115-118.
E. Goldberg. (1990). Associative agnosias and the functions of the left hemisphere. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 12, 467-484.
A. Kluger & E. Goldberg. (1990). Comparison of VIQ/PIQ ratios in patients with affective disorders, diffuse and right hemisphere brain disease. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 12,182-194.
E. Goldberg. (1991). Schizophrenia and stored memories. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 14, 30.
E. Goldberg. (1992). The frontal lobes in neurological and psychiatric conditions. Neuropsychology, Neuropsychiatry, and Behavioral Neurology, 5, 231-232.
E. Goldberg, K. Podell, R. Harner, M. Lovell, and S. Riggio (1994). Cognitive bias, functional cortical geometry, and the frontal lobes: Laterality, sex, and handedness. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 6, 274- 294.
E. Goldberg, K. Podell, and M. Lovell (1994). Lateralization of frontal lobe functions and cognitive novelty. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 6, 371-378.
D. Libon, G. Glosser, B. Malamut, E. Kaplan, E. Goldberg, R. Swenson, and L. Sands. (1994). Age, executive functions, and visuospatial functioning in healthy older adults. Neuropsychology, 8, 38-43.
E. Goldberg and K. Podell. (1995). Lateralization in the frontal lobes. Advances in Neurology, 66, 85-96.
E. Goldberg (1995). The rise and fall of modular orthodoxy. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 17, 193-208.
E. Goldberg and K. Podell. (1995). Reciprocal lateralization of frontal lobe functions. Archives of General Psychiatry, 52, 159-160.
E. Goldberg and K. Podell. (1995). Lateralization in the frontal lobes: Searching the right (and left) way. Biological Psychiatry), 38, 569-571.
K. Podell, M. Lovell, M. Zimmerman, and E. Goldberg. (1995). The Cognitive Bias Task and lateralized frontal lobe functions in males. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 7, 491-501.
E. Goldberg and L. Costa. (1995). The neuroanatomy of hemispheric asymmetries and information-processing modes. Contemporary Neuropsychology, (in Russian).
E. Goldberg and K. Podell. (1996). Projective testing and lateralization - Reply. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 8, 233-234.
M. Lamar, K.Podell, T. Carew, B. Cloud, R. Resh, C. Kennedy, E. Goldberg, E. Kaplan, and D. Libon (1997).Perseverative behavior in Alzheimer's disease and subcortical ischemic vascular dementia.
Neuropsychology, 11, 523-534.
S. Arfa, M. Lovell, K. Podell, and E. Goldberg (1998) Archives of Neuropsychology. WCST performance in above-average and superior school children: Relationship to intelligence and age, 13, 713-720.
E. Goldberg, and K. Podell. (1999). Adaptive versus veridical decision making, and the frontal lobes. Consciousness and Cognition. 8, 364-377.
M. Hutchinson, W. Schiffer, S. Joseffer, A. Liu, R. Schlosser, S. Dikshit, E. Goldberg, and J.D. Brodie. (1999). Task-specific deactivation in functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 17, 1427-1436.
E. Goldberg, and K. Podell. (2000). Adaptive decision making, ecological validity, and the frontal lobes. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 22, 56-68.
S. Slewa-Younah, E. Gordon, L. Williams, A. Haig, and E. Goldberg. (2000). Sex differences, gamma activity, and schizophrenia. International Journal of Neuroscience, 00, 1-14.
Vogeley, K., Podell, K., Goldebrg, E., Falkai, P., Shah, J.S., Zilles, K. (2001). Preference-based decision in an ambiguous task activate the right temporal gyrus - an fMRI study. Neuroimage, 13.
K. Horley, L. Williams, C. Gonsalez, E. Goldberg, E. Gordon. (2001). Sex differences in facial emotion processing: an ERP study. International Journal of Neuroscience.
Lee, K.-H., Williams, L. M., Haig, A. R., Goldberg, E., & Gordon, E. (2001). An integration of 40 Hz Gamma and phasic arousal: novelty and routinization processing in schizophrenia. Clinical Neurophysiology, 112, 1507-1515.
Slewa-Young, S., Gordon, E., Williams, L., Haig, A.R., Goldberg, E. (2001). Sex differences, gamma activity and schizophrenia. International Journal of Neuroscience, 107, 131-144.
Barr, W.B. Goldberg, E. (2003). Pitfalls in the method of double dissociation: Delineating the cognitive functions of hippocampus. Cortex.
Goldberg, E. and Mirsky, A. (2003). In memory of A.R. Luria. Bulletin of Division 40 of the American Psychological Association.
Aihara M., Aoyagi K., Goldberg E., & Nakazawa S. (2003). Age shifts frontal cortical control in a cognitive bias task from right to left. Part I. Neuropsychological study. Brain Dev., 25(8), 555-559.
Shimoyama, H., Aihara, M., Fukuyama, H., Hashikawa, K., Aoyagi, K., Goldberg, E., & Nakazawa, S. (2004). Context-dependent reasoning in a cognitive bias task. Part II. SPECT activation study. Brain Dev., 26, 37-42.
R.H. Paul, C.R. Clark, J. Lawrence, E. Goldberg, L.M Williams, N. Copra, R.A. Cohen, A.M. Brickley, E. Gordon, Age-dependent change in executive function and gamma 40 HZ phase synchrony J Integr Neurosci, 2005
K. Aoyagi, M. Aihara, E. Goldberg, S. Nakazawa. Lateralization of the frontal lobe functions elicited by a cognitive bias task is a fundamental process. Lesion study. Brain and Development, 2005
L.A. Williams, S.M. Grieve, T.S. Whitford, C.R. Clark, R.C. Gur, E. Goldberg, P. Flor-Henry, A.S. Peduto, E. Gordon Neural Synchrony and Gray Matter Variation in Human Males And Females: An Integration of 40 HZ Gamma Synchrony and MRI Measures. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, Vol. 4, No. 1 (2005) 77?93
Verdejo-Garcia, A., Vilar-Lopez, R., Perez-Garcia, M., & Goldberg, E. (2006). Altered adaptive but not veridical decision-making in substance dependent individuals Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 12, 90?99.
Other Publications (Book Chapters and Reviews)
E. Goldberg. (1973). Motor Perseverations and the levels of encoding a visual form. In: V.P. Zinchenko (ed.), Biophysics of the Visual System. Vilnius Univ. Press, (in Russian).
E. Goldberg. (1974). Neuropsychological approach to semantic memory. In: M. Mukanov (ed.), Thought and Communication: Alma-Ata, (in Russian).
E. Goldberg. (1976). The Luria battery of tests: Techniques and philosophy. In: S. Corson (ed.), Psychology and Psychiatry in the USSR. Plenum Press, NY, 91-121.
E. Goldberg. (1976). Semantic and organizational factors in memory for spoken texts: Implications derived from brain-damaged populations. Doctoral dissertation. The City University of New York.
E. Goldberg. (1976). Neuropsychological analysis of the semantic aspects of text perception. In: J. Pruha (ed.), Soviet Studies in Language and Language Behavior, North Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam-NY-Oxford, 220-239.
E. Goldberg. (1978). A.R. Luria's Uneasy Road. The INS Bulletin, April Volume, 6-8.
E. Goldberg. (1981). The man and his book: A review of Higher Cortical Functions, by A.R. Luria. Journal of Clinical Neuropsychology, 3, 277-282.
E. Goldberg. (1982). Learning disabilities and the Soviet psychology: Are there basic assumptions? Journal of Clinical Neuropsychology, 4, 285-290.
E. Goldberg. (1984). Papez circuit revisited: Two systems instead of one? In: N. Butters & L. Squire (eds.), The Neuropsychology of Memory. Guilford Press, NY, 183-193.
E. Goldberg & L. Costa. (1986). Qualitative indices in neuropsychological Assessment: Extension of Luria's approach. Executive deficit following prefrontal lesions. In: K. Adams & I. Grant (eds.), Neuropsychological Assessment in Neuropsychiatric Disorders. Oxford University Press, NY, 48-64.
E. Goldberg. (1986). Neurology beyond the brain stem. Contemporary
Psychology, 31, 435-436.
E. Goldberg & R. Bilder. (1986). Neuropsychological perspective: Retrograde amnesia and executive deficit. In: L. Poon et al (eds.), Handbook of memory assessment of Older Adults, APA Press, 55-68
E. Goldberg & R. Bilder. (1987). Frontal lobes and hierarchic organization of neurocognitive control. In: E. Perecman (ed.), Frontal lobes revisited. New York: IRBN, 159-187.
E. Goldberg. (1989). Neuropsychology in the studies of psychopathology. In: M. Katz and S. Wetzler (eds.), Contemporary Approaches to Psychological Assessment. New York: Bruner-Mazel, pp. 213-235.
E. Goldberg. (1989). Hierarchies of the mind. A review of The Prefrontal Cortex, by J. Fuster. Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology and Behavioral Neurology, 229-231.
E. Goldberg. (1990). Higher cortical functions in humans: The gradiental approach. In: E. Goldberg (ed.), Contemporary Neuropsychology and the Legacy of Luria. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 229-276.
E. Goldberg and W. Barr. (1991). Three possible mechanisms of unawareness of deficit, In: G. Prigatano and D. Schacter (eds.) Awareness of Deficit: Theoretical and Clinical Issues. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 152-175.
E. Goldberg and L. Seidman. (1991). Higher cortical functions in normals and in schizophrenia: A selective review. In: H.S. Nasrallah (ed.), Handbook of Schizophrenia. New York-Amsterdam: Elsevier.
E. Goldberg and W. Barr (1992). Selective knowledge loss in activational and representational amnesias. In: L. Squire and N. Butters (Eds) The Neuropsychology of Memory, (2nd ed). NY: Oxford Univ. Press. Pp 72-80.
E. Goldberg and W. Barr. (1993). Knowledge systems. In: L. Squire (Ed). Encyclopedia of Learning and Memory. NY: MacMillan, pp. 320-322.
E. Goldberg. (1993). A.R. Luria. In: L. Squire (Ed) Encyclopedia of Learning and Memory. NY: MacMillan. Pp. 373-375.
E. Goldberg and K. Podell (1995). Hemispheric specialization, cognitive novelty, and the lobes. In H. Jasper, S. Riggio, and P. S. Goldman-Rakic (Eds.), Epilepsy and the functional anatomy of the frontal lobes. NY: Raven Press, pp 85-96.
E. Goldberg (1998). Louis David Costa: A tribute to a friend. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 20, 302-303.
E. Goldberg. (1998). Foreword to Twitch and Shout, by Lowell Handler. New York: Dutton Signet, pp 13-21.
E. Goldberg. (1998). The hardy few on a leaner pasture. A review of R. Davidson and K. Hugdahl (Eds), Brain Asymmetry, Neuropsychology. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 4, 687-688.
E. Goldberg and D. Bougakov (2000). Novel approaches to the diagnosis and restoration of frontal-lobe functions. In: A.-L. Christensen and B. Usell
(Eds) International Handbook on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. New York: Plenum Press, pp 93-112.
E. Goldberg (2000). The frontal lobes. In: E. Zillmer and M.Spiers (Eds) Principles of Neuropsychology.
E. Goldberg (2001). What makes a champion? It is all in your head. In: A. Snyder (Ed) What Makes a Champion? - 50 Champions Speak Out. Penguin.
K. Podell, M. Lovell, and E. Goldberg (2001). Lateralization of frontal lobe functions. In: S. Salloway, P. Malloy, J. Duffy (Eds) The Frontal Lobes and Neuropsychiatric Illnesses. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press, pp 83-100.
L. Moskovich, D. Bougakov, P. DeFina, and E. Goldberg (2002). A.R. Luria: Pursuing Neuropsychology in a Swiftly Changing Society. In: A. Stringer, E. Cooley, & A-L. Christensen (Eds) Pathways to prominence.
K. Podell, P.A. DeFina, P. Barrett, A.M. McCullen, & E. Goldberg, (2002). Assessment of Neuropsychological Functioning. In J.R. Graham & J.A. Naglieri (Eds) Comprehensive Handbook of Psychology, Volume Ten: Assessment Psychology. New York: John Wiley & Sons. pp. 443-446. E. Goldberg (2003). Attention and motivation. In: F. Bloom et al (Eds.) The Dana Guide to Brain Health. Dana Press, pp.196-199.
E. Goldberg. (2003). Luria, A.R. In: J. Byrne (Ed.), Learning and Memory (2nd ed). Macmillan Reference. pp.357-358
E. Goldberg and W. Barr. (2003). Knowledge systems. In: J. Byrne (Ed.), Learning and Memory (2nd ed). Macmillan Reference. pp. 306-309.
E. Goldberg. (2004). Train the gifted. Harvard Business Review, vol. 82 (1). p. 31.
E. Goldberg. (2004). From Neuromythology to Neuroscience. A review of Cortex and Mind by Joaquin Fuster, Journal of International Neuropsychological Society, pp. 470-471.
E. Goldberg. (2005). Cognitive Fitness for the Older and Wiser. Cerebrum, pp. 23-36.
E. Goldberg &b D. Bougakov. Goals, executive control, and action. In: B. J. Baars & N.M. Gage (eds). (2007). Cognition, Brain, and Consciousness: Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience, Academic Press.
E. Goldberg. Foreword to T. Klingberg, The Overflowing Brain: Information Overload and the Limits of Working Memory (2008) OXfORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
E. Goldberg and D. Bougakov. Many faces of intelligence. In: E. Carafoli (Ed). Two cultures, Shared Problems. Springer (in press).
E. Goldberg and D. Bougakov. Neuropsychology and A. R. Luria?s concept of higher cortical functions in the beginning of the 3rd millennium . In: A-L. Christensen, D. Bougakov, E. Goldberg (eds). Luria?s Legacy in the 21st Century . (scheduled for publication in 2009). Oxford University
E. Goldberg, R. Bilder, J. Jaeger, and K. Podell (1997). Goldberg Executive Control and Frontal Lobe Battery PsychologiFoerlagetAB, Stockholm, Sweden.
E. Goldberg, K. Podell, R. Bilder, and J. Jaeger (2000). The Executive Control Battery. PsychPress, Melbourne, Australia.
E. Goldberg, K. Podell (in press). Cognitive Bias Test. PsychPress, Melbourne, Australia.
Abstracts (select)
E. Goldberg. (1975). Motor perseverations and coding of visual information. Third INS Convention, Tampa, FL.
E. Goldberg. (1975). Neuropsychology at the University of Moscow. Symposium "Psychology and Psychiatry in the USSR," Columbus, OH.
E. Goldberg. (1975). Intellectual communities: Same or different? APA Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
E. Goldberg, H. Vaughan, Jr. & L. Gerstman. (1977). Gradients of hemispheric asymmetry in shape and texture discrimination. APA Convention, San Francisco. E.
E. Goldberg, H. Vaughan, Jr. & L. Gerstman. (1977). Hemispheric differences in shape versus texture discrimination. New York Aphasia Society, New York.
E. Goldberg. (1979). Hierarchic organization of the reading process and the neuropsychological factors leading to its disintegration. International Reading Association Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
E. Goldberg. (1980). Hemisphere differences: New facts and approaches. New York Neuropsychology Group First Annual Conference, New York, NY.
E. Goldberg, R. Bilder, J. Hughes & S. Mattis. (1980). Recovery from anterograde but not retrograde amnesia: Role of reticular activation in long-term retrieval. International Neuropsychological Society Third Annual European Convention, Cianciano, Italy.
A. Segal, L. Costa, S. Diamond, L. Gerstman, E. Goldberg, M. Schecter & B. Wilson. (1981). History taking in neurobehavioral assessment. Ninth International Neuropsychological Society Convention, Atlanta, GA.
E. Goldberg, S. Mattis, J. Hughes, R. Bilder & C. Sirio. (1981). The effects of cholinergic treatment of post-traumatic amnesia. Ninth Annual International Neuropsychological Society Convention. Atlanta, GA.
E. Goldberg. (1981). Role of the right hemisphere in the acquisition of reading skills. 26th Annual Convention of the International Reading Association. New Orleans.
E. Goldberg. (1981). Hemisphere asymmetry as a function of configurational encodability. Fourth Annual European Convention of the International Neuropsychological Society, Bergen, Norway.
E. Goldberg. (1982). Culture-dependent parameters of the neuropsychology of reading deficits. Twenty-Seventh Convention of International Reading Association, Chicago.
E. Goldberg. (1983). Agraphia of the right hemispheric type: Diagnostic and counseling implications. Twenty-Eighth Annual Convention of the International Reading Association, Anaheim, CA.
E. Goldberg & A.L. Christensen. (1984). Luria's taxonomy of aphasias and its application to diagnosis. Seventh Annual European Convention of the International Neuropsychological Society, Aachen, Germany.
B. Rumain & E. Goldberg. (1985). Syntactic competence in dyslexic children. Thirteenth Annual Convention of the International Reading Association, New Orleans.
A. Kluger & E. Goldberg. (1985). Comparison of WAIS-R indices in patients with diffuse and lateralized brain damage and affective disorders. Thirteenth International Neuropsychological Society Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.
E. Goldberg & J. Barnett. (1985). Effects of ECT on various types of remote memory. Eighth Annual European Convention of the International Neuropsychological Society, Copenhagen, Denmark.
E. Goldberg. (1985). Frontal lobe syndromes and schizophrenia. Fourth World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Philadelphia.
E. Goldberg. (1985). Perseveration at various levels of neurocognitive hierarchy. Symposium "Frontal Lobes Revisited". Institute for Research in Behavioral Neurosciences - New York University Medical School.
R. Bilder, E. Goldberg & S. Mukherjee. (1986). Motor perseveration in schizophrenia. Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry. Washington, DC.
E. Goldberg. (1986). Development of hemispheric specialization: Diagnostic neuropsychological implications. Twenty-First Congress of International Society of Applied Psychology, Jerusalem, Israel.
E. Goldberg & J. Barnett. (1986). Relationship between anterograde and retrograde amnesia in head trauma. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, DC.
P. Ramirez & E. Goldberg. (1987). Cognition in positive/negative syndromes: A review. American Psychiatric Association Annual Convention, Chicago.
E. Goldberg, R. Bilder & J. Jaeger. (1987). Executive Control Battery and its Applications. Fifteenth International Neuropsychological Society Annual Convention, Washington, DC.
J. Jaeger, E. Goldberg, R. Bilder & K. Podell. (1987). Graphical Sequence
Subtest of the Executive Control Battery: Administration, scoring, reliability and validity. Fifteenth International Neuropsychology Society Annual Convention, Washington, DC.
J.-P. Lindenmayer, E. Gardner, E. Goldberg, L. Opler, S. Kay & H. Van Praag. (1987). High-dose naloxone in tardive dyskinesia. American Psychiatric Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
M. Ramirez & E. Goldberg. (1987). Cognition in positive/negative syndromes. American Psychiatric Association Annual Convention, Chicago, ILL.
E. Goldberg. (1987). The concept of differential functional breakdown threshold in dementias. Symposium on models and measurements in dementias. NIMH-Miami University Medical School. Miami, FL.
E. Goldberg. (1987). Diagnostic prerequisites of neuropsychological remediation. Symposium on remediation of cognitive functions in head trauma. University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
E. Goldberg. (1988). Frontal lobe dysfunction in schizophrenia. Winter workshop on schizophrenia. Badgastein, Austria.
E. Goldberg. (1988). The nonspecificity of frontal lobe dysfunction. International Neuropsychological Society 16th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
W. B. Barr, E. Goldberg, J. Wasserstein & R. A. Novelly. (1988). Retrograde amnesia and unilateral temporal lobectomy. International Neuropsychological Society 16th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
W. B. Barr, R. M. Bilder, E. Kaplan, E. Goldberg, & S. Mukherjee. (1988). Schizophrenic language disturbances in relation to executive dyscontrol. International Neuropsychological Society 16th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
E. Goldberg. (1988). Neuropsychological diagnosis. NIMH Consensus Symposium on Neuropsychological assessment and performance. Bethesda, MD.
E. Goldberg. (1988). Relationship between amnesias and agnosias. Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention, Montreal, Canada.
E. Goldberg. (1988). Hierarchic organization of error detection in the brain. International Neuropsychological Symposium. Jerusalem, Israel.
E. Goldberg. (1988). Hemispheric specialization and self-awareness. Symposium: Awareness of deficit. Phoenix, AZ.
P. Ramirez and E. Goldberg. (1989). Neuropsychological correlates of positive and negative phenomenological dimensions. 60th Eastern Psychological Association Annual Convention. Boston, Mass.
E. Goldberg. (1989). Gradiental approach to the functional neocortical organization. International Neuropsychology Society Annual European Meeting. Antwerp, Belgium.
P. Kittler, G. Turkewitz, and E. Goldberg. (1989). Dynamics of hemispheric advantage as the function of stimulus familiarization. International Neuropsychological Society European Annual Meeting. Antwerp, Belgium.
D. Libon and E. Goldberg. (1990). Executive control in aging. International Neuropsychological Society Annual Convention. Orlando, Florida.
E. Goldberg. (1990). Frontal lobe dysfunction in schizophrenia. American Psychiatric Association 143rd Annual Meeting. New York, NY.
E. Goldberg. (1990). Frontal lobe and personality. Pittsburgh Neuropsychiatry Conference. Pittsburgh, PA
E. Goldberg. (1991). Lateralization of frontal lobe functions. Conference "Frontal Lobes: Theoretical and Clinical Perspectives". Toronto, Canada.
K. Podell, E. Goldberg, R. Harner, and S. Riggio. (1991). Lateralization of frontal lobe functions in human males. International Society for Neuroscience Annual Convention. New Orleans, LA.
K. Podell, M. Zimmerman, M. Sovastion, M. Lovell, and E. Goldberg. (1992). The Utility of the Graphical Sequence Test in assessing executive control deficits. The International Neuropsychological Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
K. Podell, M. Zimmerman, J. J. Rebeta, A. Menezes, and E. Goldberg.
(1992). Assessing frontal lobe dysfunction. The American Psychiatric
Association's 145th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
E. Goldberg. (1992). Frontal lobe functions in humans: Lateralization and sex differences. Symposium on Cognitive Remediation of Traumatic Brain Injury. Copenhagen, Denmark.
K. Podell & E. Goldberg. (1992). Lateralization of frontal lobe functions and handedness. International Society for Neuroscience Annual Convention. Anaheim, CA.
K. Podell, M. Zimmerman, A. Menezes, and E. Goldberg. (1993). Multidimensional nature of executive deficit in schizophrenia. Annual Meeting of The International Neuropsychological Society. Galveston, Texas.
E. Goldberg. (1993). Gender and hemispheric differences in the functional organization of the frontal lobes. International Conference on Epilepsy and Functional Anatomy of the Frontal Lobes. Valle d'Aosta, Italy.
E. Goldberg. (1993). Lateralization of the frontal lobes. Symposium on Modularity and the Brain. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Jerusalem, Israel.
E. Goldberg and K. Podell. (1993). Sex differences in functional cortical geometry. International Congress on Hormones, Brain, and Neuropharmacology. Rhodes, Greece.
E. Goldberg and K. Podell. (1993). Sex differences in the lateralization of frontal lobe functions. International Society for Neuroscience Annual Convention. Washington, D.C.
M. Zimmerman, B. Poppen, K. Podell, and E. Goldberg. (1994). Lateralized frontal lobe dysfunction in males: WCST vs. The Graphical Sequence Test. The International Neuropsychological Society Annual Meeting. Cincinnati, OH.
S. Arffa, M. Lovell, K. Podell, and E. Goldberg. (1995). Performance on executive and non-executive function tests in a pediatric intellectually superior sample. The fifteenth annual conference of The National Academy of Neuropsychology.
E. Goldberg, A. Kluger, T. Griesing, L. Malta, M. Shapiro, and S. Ferris. Early diagnosis of frontal-lobe dementias. (1997). Eighth Congress of International Psychogeriatric Association. Jerusalem, Israel.
E. Goldberg. (1997). Luria's East and West. First International Luria Memorial Conference. New York, NY.
Vogeley, K., Podell, K., Kukolja, J., Schilbach, L., Goldberg, E., Zilles, K., & Fink, G.R. (2003). Recruitment of the Left Prefrontal Cortex in Preference-Based Decisions in Males (fMRI study). Annual Meeting of the Human Brain Mapping Organization, New York City, NY.
A.R. Luria. Neuropsychology of Memory. Pedagogika Press, Moscow, 1974. (in Russian).
Guest editor
Special issue on the frontal lobes of Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, and Behavioral Neurology, 1992, 5.
Invited lectures and workshops (select)
E. Goldberg. (1984). Brain-behavioral relations in humans. Albert Einstein College of Medicine Cape Cod Institute, Provincetown, Mass.
E. Goldberg. Clinical Neuropsychology. (1985). Sponsored by the Chicago Department of Education, Chicago, IL.
E. Goldberg. (1985). Major neuropsychological syndromes in humans. Sponsored by the New York State Department of Continuous Education.
E. Goldberg. (1986). Theoretical and applied neuropsychology: Luria's approach. Sponsored by The Ministry of Education of Denmark. Aarhus, Denmark.
E. Goldberg. (1987). Neuropsychology: Research and clinical issues. Albert Einstein College of Medicine - The Cape Cod Institute. Eastham, Mass.
E. Goldberg, A. Mirsky & D. Weinberger. (1988). Frontal lobe function and psychopathology. Institute for Research in Behavioral Neuroscience, New York.
E. Goldberg. (1988). Cognitive Neuroscience. Icelandic Psychological Association. Reykjavik, Iceland.
E. Goldberg, V. Stolin & E. Dzhafarov. (1988). Recent Trends in the Soviet Psychology. The New York Academy of Sciences. New York.
E. Goldberg. (1988). Introduction to Clinical Neuropsychology. The New York Academy of Sciences, NY.
A. Benton, P. Bryden, E. Goldberg, and M. Moscovitch. (1989). Dichotomy or Duplicity: A Critical Look at the Neuropsychology of Right and Left. The International Neuropsychological Society Annual Convention. Vancouver-Victoria, Canada.
E. Goldberg. (1989). Neuropsychology: Research and Clinical Issues. Albert Einstein College of Medicine - The Cape Cod Institute. Eastham, Mass.
E. Goldberg. (1989). Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neuroscience. The 16th Nordic Psychological Congress. Reykjavik, Iceland.
E. Goldberg. (1990). Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience. Universities of Lund, Goteborg (Sweden) and Copenhagen (Denmark).
E. Goldberg (Member of a 24-person faculty). (1990). Schizophrenia Conference for Mental Health Professionals. Columbia University, NY
E. Goldberg. (1991). Clinical Neuropsychology: The State of the Art. The Cape Cod Institute. Cape Cod, Mass.
E. Goldberg. (1992). Functions of the frontal lobes. The National Academy of Neuropsychology Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA.
E. Goldberg. (1995). Introduction to Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience. University of Copenhagen. Copenhagen, Denmark.
E. Goldberg. (1995). Frontal lobe disorders in neurological and psychiatric conditions. Australian College of Neuropsychology. Sydney, Australia.
E. Goldberg. (1997). The functional organization of the frontal lobes: Gender, laterality, handedness, and, of course, free will. Dinner Lecture. International Neuropsychological Society Annual Convention. Orlando, Florida.
E. Goldberg. (1997). The functional organization of the frontal lobes. Keynote Address. Conference "Brain and Behavior: Developmental Perspectives". Sydney, Australia.
E. Goldberg. (1997). Frontal-lobe function and dysfunction. Symposium on Brain and Behavior. University of Lund, Sweden.
E. Goldberg. (1997). Frontal-lobe function and dysfunction. Symposium on Brain and Behavior. University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
E. Goldberg. (1998). The frontal lobes. Workshop. International Neuropsychological Society Annual Convention. Honolulu, Hawaii.
E. Goldberg. (1999). Frontal lobes and adaptive decision making. World Congress of Psychiatry. Hamburg, Germany.
E. Goldberg. (1999). Introduction to cognitive neuroscience. Workshop. University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
E. Goldberg. (1999). Advanced neuropsychology. Workshop. University of Sydney. Sydney, Australia.
E. Goldberg. (1999). The frontal lobes revisited: Executive functions and human behavior. Second Annual World Conference on Pediatric Neuropsychology. Santa Barbara, CA.
E. Goldberg. (2000). Emergent principles of functional cortical organization. Workshop. Sydney, Australia.
E. Goldberg. (2001). The neurobiology of cognitive change. Third KNEXUS Research Symposium. Stanford, CA.
E. Goldberg. (2001). Frontal Lobes and the Civilized Mind. Keynote Address to the Annual Convention of Mexican Psychiatrists. Mexico City, Mexico.
E. Goldberg. (2001). Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience and Clinical Neuropsychology. Mexico City, Mexico.
E. Goldberg. (2002). Functional Organization of the Frontal Lobes. University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
E. Goldberg. (2002). Current approaches to frontal lobe research. Karolinska Institute. Stockholm, Sweden.
E. Goldberg. (2002). Actor-centered decision making. Conference on Consciousness. Tucson, AZ.
E. Goldberg. (2002). The Neuropsychology of the Civilized Mind. Cape Cod Institute, Cape Cod, Ma.
E. Goldberg. (2002). Frontal Lobes and the Civilized Mind. Keynote Address at the International Kinesiology Society Annual Convention. Freiburg, Germany.
E. Goldberg. (2002). The executive brain: Frontal Lobes and the Civilized Mind. Keynote Address at the Annual Convention of The Catalan Psychiatric Association. Barcelona, Spain.
E. Goldberg. (2002). The executive brain: Frontal Lobes and the Civilized Mind. Invited Lecture for Basque Neuroscientists. Miramar Palace. San Sebastian, Spain.
E. Goldberg. (2003). Reminiscences about A.R. Luria. Luncheon lecture at the Annual Meeting of the American Neuropsychiatric Association. Honolulu, Hawaii.
E. Goldberg. (2003). The neuroscience of complex decision-making. National Museum of Australia, Canberra, Australia.
E. Goldberg. (2003). Executive functions and the frontal lobes. Danish society of attention deficit disorder. Nyborg, Denmark.
E. Goldberg. (2004). Frontal lobes and decision making in ambiguous situations. Zlotowsky lecture. Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.
E. Goldberg. (2004). Frontal lobes and the civilized mind. The Nordic conference of neuropsychology. Turku, Finland.
E. Goldberg. (2005). Decision making in ambiguous situations and the frontal lobes. Symposium in honor of Louis Costa. International Neuropsychological Society Annual Convention, St. Louis, Missouri.
E. Goldberg. (2005). Human brain and the civilized mind. UNESCO Symposium ?Science and Today?s Vision of the World?, Venice, Italy.
E. Goldberg. (2005). Actor-centered memory and executive functions. Symposium sponsored by University of Rome La Sapienza, Rome, Italy.
E. Goldberg (2005). Clinical Neuropsychology. The Cape Cod Institute.
E. Goldberg. (2005). "The Neurobiology of Innovation". Lecture at Festival della Mente: Sarzana, Italy.
E. Goldberg (2005). Cognitive aging and the wisdom paradox. Center for neurorehabilitation, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
E. Goldberg (2005). Lecture "Creativity and the Brain." Ambrosetti Foundation Workshop on Creativity and Innovation. Magna Pars, Milan, Italy.
E. Goldberg (2005). Lecture "Aging - the Price of Wisdom." Buntrock Hall, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Chicago, Illinois.
E. Goldberg (2005). "Creativity and the Brain". Lecture at Museo dell'Automobile. Turin, Italy.
E. Goldberg (2005). "How the Brain Deals With Novelty and Ambiguity." Grand Rounds, Department of Neurology, Weill Medical College at Cornell University, New York, NY
E. Goldberg (2006). Lecture "Executive Function and Dysfunction." Meeting of Forensic Neuropsychiatry, Seattle, WA.
E. Goldberg (2006). The Goal-Directed Brain: The Legacy of Luria. 4th Congress of the Academy of Multidisciplinary Neurotraumatology Copenhagen, Denmark.
E. Goldberg (2006). A five-day workshop on Clinical Neuropsychology at The Cape Cod Institute.
E. Goldberg (2006) Workshop on Neuropsychology. Co-occurring Disorders Institute. Palmer, Alaska.
E. Goldberg (2006). Brain Function and Psychopathology. Leading edge seminars. Toronto, Canada.
E. Goldberg (2007). Clinical Neuropsychology in the 21st century. The Cape Cod Institute.
E. Goldberg (2007). Keynote address at the symposium ?Challenges of an Aging Population for a Modern Society.? Reykjavik, Iceland.
E. Goldberg (2007). Lecture at the C.A.R.M.A. Conference. Udine, Italy.
E. Goldberg (2007). Lecture at the symposium ?Two Cultures: Shared Problems.? Venetian Institute of Sciences, Letters, and Arts, Palazzo Franchetti, Venice, Italy.
E. Goldberg (2007). Personality type and neuropsychology. Keynote address at the APTI Biennial Conference. Baltimore, MD.
E. Goldberg. (2007). Clinical Neuropsychology in the 21st century. A five-day workshop on Clinical Neuropsychology at The Cape Cod Institute.
E. Goldberg. (2007). Executive functions and dysfunction. Workshops for mental health professionals. Oslo, Norway.
E. Goldberg. (2007). Elkhonon Goldberg. Executive functions and dysfunction. Workshops for psychiatrists. Kalmar, Sweden.
E. Goldberg. (2007). Keynote address "Frontal lobes, executive functions, and traumatic brain injury" at the Spanish National Brain Injury Day, Institut Guttmann, Auditori AXA Winterthur, Barcelona, Spain.
E. Goldberg. (2007). Lecture at the symposium ?Two Cultures: Shared Problems. Venetian Institute of Sciences, Letters, and Arts, Palazzo Franchetti, Venice, Italy.
E. Goldberg. (2007). "Frontal lobe function and dysfunction in psychiatric and neurological conditions." Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, NY.
E. Goldberg. (2008). Keynote address. South African Neuropsychological Association Convention. Durban, South Africa
E. Goldberg. (2008). Neural mechanisms of decision making in ambiguous situations. Symposium, University of Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico
E. Goldberg. (2008). Elkhonon Goldberg. Cognitive aging. Lecture at The Feldenkreis Institute, New York, NY.
E. Goldberg. (2008). Participation in the workshop "Optimization and constraints on anatomical form." Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA.
E. Goldberg. (2008). Keynote address. Society of Applied Brain Analysis (SABA), Tampa, Florida.
E. Goldberg. (2008). "How the brain deals with novelty and ambiguity." Lecture at the International Conference on Traumatic Brain Injury, Moscow, Russia.
E. Goldberg. (2008). Neuropsychology in the 21st century. Cape Cod Institute, Cape Cod, MA.
E. Goldberg. (2008). "Frontal lobe dysfunction following traumatic brain injury." Lecture at The International Symposium on Neurotraumatology. Wissenschaftszentrum, Bonn, Germany.
E. Goldberg. (2009). Elkhonon Goldberg. Neuroplasticity and cognitive health. Lecture presented at the UN Conference " The Role of Brain Education in Global Mental Health." United Nations, New York.
E. Goldberg. (2009). Elkhonon Goldberg. Keynote address at The Conference "Autism+. A multidimensional approach. Research and practice." Kongrescenter. Herning, Denmark.
E. Goldberg. (2009). Decision making and the brain. Keynote address at the Congress of Latvian Medical Association. Riga, Latvia.
E. Goldberg. (2009). Elkhonon Goldberg. Clinical Neuropsychology of Executive Dysfunction and Other Disorders. Cape Cod Institute, Cape Cod, MA.
E. Goldberg. (2009).The New Executive Brain: An Evening with Elkhonon Goldberg. The New York Academy of Sciences, New York.
E. Goldberg. (2009). Implications of Frontal-lobe impairments for diagnosis and rehabilitative interventions. Lecture presented at the First International Brain Injury Conference. Athens, Greece.
E. Goldberg. (2010). How the brain deals with novelty and ambiguity. St. John?s University. New York
E. Goldberg. (2010). Neuroplasticity in action. New York State Psychological Association meeting. Fordham University. New York.
E. Goldberg. (2010). Keynote address. Conference "€śThe aging brain."€ť New York Times Center. New York.
E. Goldberg. (2010). My frontal lobes and I: Novel ways of assessing executive functions. NIDA/NIH workshop "€śDevelopmental Neural Mechanisms of Cognitive Control.€"Bethesda, MD
E. Goldberg. (2010). How the brain deals with novelty and ambiguity and how this may go astray following brain damage. Roland Parker Lecture, New York Academy of traumatic Brain Injury Annual Convention. New York.
E. Goldberg. (2010). Special guest lecture "The New Executive Brain."
Neuromeeting. Siena, Italy.
E. Goldberg. (2010). The wisdom paradox. Lecture at Kadlec Neuro Resource Center, Richland, WA
E. Goldberg. (2010). Invited lecture "Novelty, ambiguity, and the frontal lobes.€"International Neuropsychological Society Annual European Meeting. Krakow, Poland.
E. Goldberg. (2010). Elkhonon Goldberg. Clinical Neuropsychology of Executive Dysfunction and Other Disorders. Cape Cod Institute, Cape Cod, MA