Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti - Testata per la stampa
Oliver Jens Schmitt

Oliver Jens Schmitt

Professore ordinario di Storia del Sud-Est Europa nell'Università di Vienna e socio ordinario dell'Accademia Austriaca delle Scienze 

- s.s 21 luglio 2014 
Born 15th February 1973 in Basel, Switzerland.
Institut für osteuropäische Geschichte, Spitalgasse 2 Hof 3, A-1090 Wien, Austria.
Main research areas
Fascist movements in Inter-War Rumania;
Society and economy of the Venetian Overseas Empire in Southeast Europe;
Late Medieval Balkan History; Albanian Society and Culture in Southeast Europe
2003 Habilitation East and Southeast European History, University of Regensburg
2000 Dr. phil. (Ph.D.), Southeast European History, University of Munich
1997 Mag. phil. (M.A.), Byzantine Studies, University of Vienna
Academic positions
2013 Foreign member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo
2012- Member of the administrative board, Institut f?st- und S?teuropa IOS, Regensburg
2011- Full member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
2010 Professeur invit?Coll? de France
2010- Head of Department, Institute for East European History, University of Vienna
2009- Speaker Research platform Wiener Osteuropaforum
2008- Member of the scientific board Deutsches Studienzentrum in Venedig
2009 - 2012 co-director Doctoral school „Europäische historische Diktatur- und Transformationsforschung", University of Vienna
2008 - 2011 Head of the administrative board (Stiftungsrat), Südost-Institut, Regensburg
2005- Full Professor of Southeast European History, University of Vienna
2004 Research professor (SNF- Förderungsprofessur), Institute of History, University of Berne
2001 - 2004 Lecturer, Department of East and Southeast European History, University of Munich
2000- 2001 Member Istituto svizzero di Roma
1999 - 2000 Grant Centro Tedesco di studi veneziani
1999 - 2004 PhD and Habilitation Grant Swiss National Research Foundation

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