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Alberto Amadori
Professore già ordinario di Immmunologia nell'Università degli studi di Padova
- s.c.r. 30 maggio 2012; s.e. 13 giugno 2018
2013 - present
Director, Immunology and Molecular Oncology Unit of the Istituto Oncologico Veneto-IRCCS
2008 - 2012
Scientific Director, IRCCS-Istituto Oncologico Veneto, Padova, Italy
2006 - 2007
Head, Department of Oncology and Surgical Sciences, University of Padova
2003 - 2007
Director, Immunology and Molecular Oncology Unit of the Università Azienda di Padova (presently Istituto Oncologico Veneto-IRCCS)
2003 - 2007
Director, Post-Graduate School of Oncology, University of Padova
2002 - present
Full Professor of Immunology, University of Padova
Associate Professor of Immunology, University of Padova
1989 - 2000
Assistant Professor, University of Padova, Istituto di Oncologia
1984 - 1988
Assistant Professor, University of Padova, Clinica Medica
1981 - 1984
Assistant Professor, University of Florence, Italy
Specialty in Allergology and Clinical Immunology, University of Florence, Italy (summa cum laude)
Specialty in Gastroenterology, Università cattolica, Rome, Italy (summa cum laude)
M.D., Università cattolica, Rome (summa cum laude)
1994 - present
Coordinator, Tumor Molecular Immunology Unit, Department of Oncology and Surgical Sciences, University of Padova
1984 - 1994
Senior Investigator, Oncology & Immunology Section, Department of Oncology and Surgical Sciences, University of Padova
Visiting fellow at University College, London, and Middlesex Hospital, London, U.K.
Visiting fellow at National Blood Bank, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1974 - 1984
Research assistant at the Laboratory of Clinical Immunology, University of Florence
Scientific activities:
The scientific activities of Alberto Amadori span a 40-year period, and have always centered on Immunology and Immunopathology issues. The leitmotif of his activity is the study of the mechanisms underlying alterations associated with immunodeficiency status, including their correlation with the neoplastic transformation process. Most recently he is exploiting his knowledge and expertise to explore the modern concept that tumors arise and grow in a strict interaction with the surrounding micro-environment, with special focus on angiogenesis, tumor dormancy, and the instruments to manipulate these phenomena.
These activities, which have been and are supported by competitive grants from Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, CNR, European Community, AIRC, and many other peer-review based Agencies, can be summarized into the following major research fields:
1) Studies on physiological and pathological aspects of immune function (1976 -1984)
2) Study of the immunologic alterations associated with HIV infection, with special attention to B cell activation as a step favouring lymphoma development (1984 - 1997)
3) Study of the mechanisms underlying lymphoma development in humans and experimental models of human lymphomagenesis (1991 - present)
4) Immunotherapy and gene therapy approaches in experimental tumor models by retroviral and lentiviral vectors (1996 - 2005)
5) Study of the interplay between tumors and microenvironment, with special attention to the neo-angiogenesis process and the pathways to interfere with this phenomenon (1999 - present)
6) Study of Cancer Stem Cells as the leading force in tumor outgrowth (2010 - present)
Over 300 publications, including:
198 papers in-extenso, including 150 papers published in international peer-reviewed journals
Memberships to scientific societies:
American Association of Immunologists
European Association for Cancer Research
Italian Cancer Society
Italian Society of Pathology
Immunology Cooperative Group (GCI)
Italian Society of Immunology [formerly GCI]
Steering committees:
GCI (1989-1995)
IFIS (Italian Federation of Immunological Societies, 1992-1995)
Italian Cancer Society (2006-2009)
NIBIT (2012-present)
Academic and institutional commitments
Member, Scientific Commission of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Padova (1996-1999 and 2004-2007)
Member, Scientific Commission of the University of Padova (Area 06, Biology and Medicine; 1996-2001)
Member, Scientific Commission of the University of Padova (Area 07, Medical Sciences; 2001-2007 and 2013-present)
Vice President, Scientific Commission of the University of Padova (Area 07, Medical Sciences; 2004-2007)
Member, Scientific Committee of the Regional Oncology Center (C.O.R.; 1999-2003)
Vice-Director, Department of Oncology and Surgical Sciences, University of Padova (2001-2006)
Member, Scientific Committe of the Istituto Oncologico Veneto (I.O.V.)-IRCCS (2004-present)
Member, Scientific Committee of the Inter-departmental Research Center for the Study of Cell Signalling, University of Padova (2005-2007)
Director, Unit of Immunology and Molecular Oncology, Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova [presently IOV-IRCCS] (2003-2007 and 2013-present)
Delegate representing the University of Padova within the Steering Committe of the Istituto Superiore di Oncologia (ISO), an oncological consortium that includes 15 Italian universities
Director, Department of Oncology and Surgical Sciences, University of Padova (2006-2007)
Member, National Oncology Commission (2007-2009)
Corresponding Member, Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Venice (2012-present)
Veronese ML, Veronesi A, D'Andrea E, Del Mistro A, Indraccolo S, Mazza MR, Mion M, Zamarchi R, Menin C, Panozzo M, *AMADORI A, Chieco-Bianchi L: Lymphoproliferative disease in human PBMC-injected SCID mice. I. T lymphocyte requirement for B cell tumor generation. J. Exp. Med., 176, 1763-1767, 1992.
*AMADORI A, Zamarchi R, De Silvestro G, Forza G, Cavattoni G, Danieli GA, Clementi M, Chieco-Bianchi L: Genetic control of the CD4/CD8 T-cell ratio in humans. Nature Med., 1, 1279-1283, 1995.
*AMADORI A, Zamarchi R, Chieco-Bianchi L: CD4/CD8 ratio and HIV infection: the tap-and-drain hypothesis. Immunol. Today,17, 414-417, 1996.
Indraccolo S, Minuzzo S, Roccaforte F, Zamarchi R, Habeler W, Stievano L, Tosello V, Klein D, Gunzburg WH, Basso G, Chieco-Bianchi L, AMADORI A: Effects of CD2 locus control region sequences on gene expression by retroviral and lentiviral vectors. Blood 98, 3607-3617, 2001.
Piovan E, Tosello V, Indraccolo S, Cabrelle A, Baesso I, Trentin L, Zamarchi R, Tamamura H, Fujii N, Semenzato G, Chieco-Bianchi L, AMADORI A: Chemokine receptor expression in EBV-associated lymphoproliferation in hu/SCID mice: implications for CXCL12/CXCR4 axis in lymphoma generation. Blood 105, 931-939, 2005.
Menin C, Scaini MC, De Salvo GL, Biscuola M, Quaggio M, Esposito G, Belluco C, Montagna M, Agata S, D'Andrea E, Nitti D, AMADORI A, Bertorelle R: Association between MDM2-SNP309 and age at colorectal cancer diagnosis accordino to p53 mutation status. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 98, 285-288, 2006.
Piovan E, Tosello V, Indraccolo S. Masiero M, Persano L, Esposito G, Zamarchi R, Ponzoni M, Chieco-Bianchi L, Dalla-Favera R, *AMADORI A: Differential regulation of hypoxia-induced CXCR4 triggering during B cell development and lymphomagenesis. Cancer Res. 67, 8606-8614, 2007.
Indraccolo S, Minuzzo S, Masiero M, Pusceddu I, Persano L, Moserle L, Reboldi A, Favaro E, Mecarozzi M, Di Mario G, Screpanti I, Ponzoni M, Doglioni C, Amadori A. Crosstalk between tumor and endothelial cells involving the Notch3-Dll4 interaction marks escape from tumor dormancy. Cancer Res. 69, 1314-1323, 2009.
Ghisi M, Corradin A, Basso K, Frasson C, Serafin V, Mukherjee S, Mussolin L, Ruggero K, Bonanno L, Guffanti A, De Bellis G, Gerosa G, Stellin G, D'Agostino DM, Basso G, Bronte V, Indraccolo S, AMADORI A, Zanovello P: Modulation of microRNA expression in human T-cell development: targeting of NOTCH1 by miR-150. Blood 117, 7053-7062, 2011.
Pastl Bellio C, Pilotto G, Ciminale V, Silic-Benussi M, Guzzo G, Rasola A, Frasson C, Nardo G, Zulato E, Nicoletto MO, Manicone M, Indraccolo S, AMADORI A: Cancer stem cells from epithelial ovarian cancer patients privilege oxidative phosphorylation, and resist glucose deprivation. Oncotarget 2014 Jun 30;5(12):4305-19