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Carlo Carraro
Professore ordinario di Economia dell'Ambiente e Rettore Emerito nell'Universita' Ca' Foscari di Venezia. Vice Presidente dell'IPCC WG III
- s.c.r. 19 luglio 2007
Professor Carlo Carraro holds a Ph.D. from Princeton University and is currently Chairman of the Department of Economics and Professor of Econometrics and Environmental Economics at the University of Venice. He is Director of Research of the Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei and Research Fellow of the CEPS (Center for European Policy Studies), Brussels, the CEPR (Center for Economic Policy Research), London, the GREQAM (Groupe de Rechérche en Economie Quantitative d'Aix-Marseille), and the CESifo (Center of Economie Studies), Munich.
Professor Carraro is Director of the Climate Impacts and Policy Division of the EuroMediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) and belongs to the Board of Directors of the European Climate Forum (ECF). He is also in the Scientific Advisory Board of the Potsdam Institute for Climate (PIK), Berlin, of the Research Network on Sustainable Development (R2D2), Paris, and of the Coalition Theory Network (CTN), Milan. He also belongs to the High-Level Network of Environmental Economists set up by the European Environmental Agency with the EU DG Environment and has been elected resident member of the Institute of Science, Ietters and Arts (IVSLA) in Venice.
Professor Carraro is one of the authors of the Third Assessment Report of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Group on Climate Change) and has been collaborating with the Economic and Social Reserch Institute, Cabinet Office, Goverment of Japan, for the last five years. He is also a consultant to the World Bank.
Professor Carraro is co-editor of the Review of Environmental Economia and Policy and belongs to the editorial board of numerous academic joumals. He has been publishing 30 books and more than 200 articles on several economic issues. Current research interests cover the issue of coalition and network formation, including regional blocs, the analysis of international economic agreements, the link between trade and the environment, the development of advanced integrated climate economy models, the analysis of climate policy, the empirical modelling of technological change, the assessment of the costs and benefits of GHG stabilization policies.