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Lorenzo Fellin
Studioso senior, gią Professore ordinario di Impianti elettrici nell'Universitą di Padova.
- s.c.r. 27 novembre 2002, s.e. 19 luglio 2007, s.e.s. 1 settembre 2021
Curriculum Vitae e Attivitą [ Pdf - 487Kb].
Lorenzo Fellin was born in Trento (Italy) in 1940. He received the Dr.Ing. degree in Electrical Engineering in 1967. He joined the Electrical Engineering Dept. of the University of Padova in 1968 where, since 1986, he is Full Professor of Electrical Power Installations. He was actively involved in the researches and also in the design and construction of a large laboratory of thermonuclear fusion research (the Eta Beta and the RFX experiment built-up in Padova with Euratom-Enea-CNR support). His fields of interest also include design and industrial electric installations and electric lighting properties and design.He is a member of IEEE, AEIT and he also is one of the chairmen of the Italian Association of Lighting (AIDI) and of some cultural institution (e.g. Venetian Institut of Art and Literature; "Agiati" Academy of Rovereto (Trento); Italian - Russia cultural Ass. "V.Solov'ev"(Padova). From nov. 2002 to august 2007 he was also one of vice-Rectors of Padova University. From the October 2008, the 1st, to the 29 november 2010 he was the head of the Electrical Engineering Department of Padova University.He was also a member of the director's board of LUXEUROPA Congress, which helded in Istanbul in the October 2009 and in Cracow in the 2012 year. He is autor or co-autor of more than 200 scientific publications, many of these in the field of lighting, electrical installations and design, thermonuclear fusion tecnologies. He also designed a lot of electrical and lighting distribution systems and realizations (more than 500). Particularly he has been involved in the lighting masterplan of some Italian cities, e.g. Udine, Cagliari, Catania, Padova and finally Venice; H.V. and M.V. distribution network and electrical plans for many applications.