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Michele Maggini
Professore ordinario di Chimica organica nell'Università di Padova
- s.c. r. 26 maggio 2016; s.e. eletto il 15 luglio 2021
Born: Padova (IT) 1959. University of Padova, Laurea Degree in Chemistry, 1984. The University of Chicago 1986-1988. Marion-Merrell Dow Research Institute, Gerenzano, 1989. National Council of Research (CNR), Padova, 1990-1998. University of Padova 1998-
Professional Positions
Guest Researcher; U. of Padova, 1984-85; Research Associate; The U. of Chicago, 1986-88; Research Chemist; Marion-Merrell Dow, Gerenzano, 1989-90; CNR Research Chemist, U. of Padova, 1990-1998 Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry, U. of Padova, 1998-2000 Full Professor of Organic Chemistry, U. of Padova, 2000-
Research interests
Michele Maggini's main research interests are the design, synthesis, characterization, and possible applications of -conjugated molecular architectures for solar energy conversion and the development of flow chemistry platforms for the synthesis of pharmaceutical products, the controlled functionalization of carbon nanostructures and the production of micro/nanosystems to encapsulate, carry and deliver active ingredients.
Scientific achievements
Michele Maggini obtained his Laurea degree in Chemistry in 1984 in the group of G. Scorrano, working on the reactivity of aromatic nitroderivatives in alkaline-alcoholic media. In 1986, as a research associate with P. Eaton at the U. of Chicago, he isolated the cycloaddition product of 1,2-dehydrocubane (cubene), one of the most pyramidalized olefin yet known (Encyclop?a Britannica, Yearbook of Science and the Future, 1990, pag. 308, JACS 1988, 110, 7230; JACS 1988, 110, 7232). With M. Prato, in 1989 Maggini tackled the total synthesis of bioactive indolizidine alkaloid and in 1992 began to investigate the chemical reactivity of the fullerenes, specifically through the cycloaddition of azomethine ylides (JACS 1993, 115, 9798 - 978 citations, Acc. Chem. Res. 1998, 31, 519 - 712 citations). Within an international network of excellent collaborators, a wide variety of fullerene derivatives were produced and studied. For instance, those containing a covalently linked TEMPO moiety were investigated to elucidate and understand the peculiar characteristics of fullerene anions or triplet excited states (JACS 1997, 119, 789; JACS 2006, 128, 4734). These species are connected with relevant fullerene features, such as non-linear optical properties, electron or energy transfer in donoracceptor systems (Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2000, 39, 3905) and singlet oxygen sensitization. In 1998, Maggini joined the Department of Chemical Sciences as associate professor and, since then, his research interests have focused mainly on the synthesis of molecular organic materials for solar energy conversion (Adv. Mater. 2001, 13, 1871, Adv. Mater. 2002, 14, 1735, Energy & Environ. Sci. 2011, 4, 725) and on the development of flow chemistry platforms and methods for the synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients of industrial interest (J. Flow. Chem. 2015, 5, 17) or the batch-to-flow transpositions of distressing or unsafe chemical syntheses (OPRD 2012, 16, 1146). Fast prototyping techniques are used for the quick fabrication of polymer microfluidic devices based on soft photolithography (Adv, Synthesis & Catalysis 2008, 17, 2815) and the study of surface modification of microchannels by wet chemistry methods (Lab Chip, 2012,12, 4041). By using original prototypes, or commercial flow reactors, Maggini studies the synthesis and functionalisation of nanosystems, such as metal nanoparticles (Chem. Commun. 2013, 49, 84) or carbon nanostructures (Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 9092, J. Flow Chem. 2014, 4, 79). Often the microfluidics toolbox is used to study reaction (Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2011, 28, 5571) or surface-absorption kinetics (Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 11656). The scientific production of Michele Maggini counts 153 on peer-reviewed journals and 3 patents.
Bibliometric indicators
Number of papers on peer-reviewed journals and book chapters: 169; Source: Google Scholar (; Number of citations 8737; h-index=48 (43 WoS, 41 Scopus); i10-index=131; h-index (since 2011)=21; i10-index (since 2011)=59.Awards
2015, "Angelo Mangini" medal of the Italian Chemical Society, Organic Chemistry Division.
Chairman: Fullerenes: Chemistry, Physics and New Directions: symposium on the organic functionalization of the fullerenes, Electrochemical Society: San Diego (1998), Seattle (1999), Toronto (2000), Washington (2001). Co-chairman: symposium NANO.ORG: organic chemistry meets nanotechnology, Venezia, 2004. Co-chairman: Summer School "A. Corbella" Seminars in Organic Synthesis, Gargnano, 2006-2008. Chairman: 3rd symposium on Continuous Flow Reactor Technology for Industrial Applications - Como 2011, Chairman: European winterschool of physical organic chemistry E-WISPOC 2015.
Academic services
Head of the Department of Chemical Sciences of the U. of Padova (2015- Coordinator of the Natural Sciences Class of the Galilean School of Higher Education of the U. Of Padova, (2014- Coordinator of the Undergraduate Programme in Materials Science (2014-2015) Coordinator of the Scientific Committe for research in Chemistry, U. of Padova (2009-2013).Teaching
Organic Chemistry (1st year students of Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry and Materials Science); Organic Functional Materials (1st year Master students in Materials Science). Undergraduate Research Advisees: 20 (since 1999); PhD Theses: 11.
Editorial boards
Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures (2002-).
Consultancy activity
A.M.S.A. SpA Italy - pharma group (2015-2016); F.I.S. SpA Italy - pharma group (2004-2014); Corning Inc. USA - flow chemistry (2008-2012). International and national funded competitive projects
(a) NATO-CRG960099 on fullerene chemistry, coordinator (1996-1999);
(b) Steering Committee member of EC project Brite EuRam III on Molecular Optical Limiting and Light Control (1997-2000); steering Committee member of EC projects Joule III on Molecular Plastic Solar Cells (1999-2001);
(c) CNR-C00C4BD, Functional Fullerene Derivatives, local PI (2000);
(d) U. of Padova, starting grant on Multiphoton Absorbing Organic Chromophores (2001);
(e) Ministry of University and Research, PRIN 2004-035502, Functional Fullerenes for Materials Science Applications, local PI; PRIN 2006-034372, Oxidation of Carbon Nanotubes, local coordinator; PRIN 2008- 5M27SS, Carbon Nanostructures in Microfluidic Reactors, local coordinator; PRIN 2010-N3T9M4 Photosynthetic Artificial Nanostructures, local PI.
(f) MISCHA (Fabrication, Characterization and Modelling of Microfluidic Devices) collaborative project sponsored by Fondazione CaRiPaRO, coordinator (2008-2011).
(g) HELIOS (Highly Efficient Light Interactions with Organized Molecular Systems) collaborative project sponsored by the U. of Padova, coordinator (2009-2013).
(h) Ministry of University and Research, FIRB-RBAP11C58Y, NANOSOLAR, local PI (2012-2016).
Invited lectures at international meetings
(1) Symposium on pyramidalized olefins, ACS meeting, Los Angeles, 1988; (2) 185 meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), San Francisco, 1994; (3) 187 meeting of ECS, Reno, 1995;
(4) COST Action D2 Workshop on Selective Synthesis, Budapest, 1995;
(5) 189 meeting of ECS, Los Angeles, 1996;
(6) 13 IUPAC meeting ICPOC-13, Inchon (Korea), 1996;
(7) 191 meeting of ECS, Montreal, 1997;
(8) 2 Italian-Israeli meeting on Physical Organic Chemistry, Jerusalem, 1998;
(9) ESOC 11, G?org, 1999;
(10) 195 meeting of ECS, Seattle, 1999;
(11) III Spanish-Italian Symposium on Organic Chemistry, Malaga, 2000;
(12) 199 meeting of ECS, Washington, 2001;
(13) 201 meeting of ECS, Philadelphia, 2002;
(14) Laboratory for plastic solar cells, Linz, 2004;
(15) VI Spanish-Italian Symposium on Organic Chemistry, Taormina, 2006;
(16) 216 meeting of ECS, Vienna, 2009;
(17) Scientific Update, Baveno (IT), 2012;
(18) 223rd meeting of ECS, Toronto, 2013;
(19) 1st China-Italy Bilateral Symposium on Graphene, Dalian (China), 2014;
(20) PCC - Anders Ringbom Workshop, ?o Akademi University, Turku (Fin), 2014
(21) 227 meeting of ECS, Chicago, 2015
Lectures at universities or research centers
(1) Merrel Dow Pharmaceuticals Inc., Cincinnati, 1988;
(2) ISM-CNR, Bologna, 1994 (host: C. Taliani);
(3) CNR Research Area, Padova, 1995 (host: P. Traldi);
(4) Toyama University, 1996 (host: Y. Higuchi);
(5) Kyoto University, 1996 (host: K. Komatsu);
(6) Osaka University, 1996 (host: Y. Tobe);
(7) Leopold-Franzens-Universit?Innsbruck, 1996 (host: B. Kraeutler);
(8) University of Notre Dame (USA) 1997 (host: D. Guldi);
(9) ISOF-CNR, Bologna, 2001 (host: N. Camaioni);
(10) University of Pavia, 2004 (host: P. Righetti);
(11) BASF Ludwigshafen, 2005 (host: T. Gessner);
(12) University L. Pasteur Strasbourg, 2006 (host: A. Bianco)
(13) University of Muenster, 2007 (host: L. De Cola)
(14) ENI-Donegani, 2009 (host: R. Po)
(15) University of Erlangen, 2010 (host: D. Guldi)
(16) University Milano Bicocca, 2010 (host: A. Abbotto)
(17) University FUNDP, Namur (B), 2011 (host: D. Bonifazi)
(18) Univeristy of Erlangen, 2012 (host: D. Guldi)
(19) University of Graz, 2012 (host: O. Kappe)
(20) University of Bari, 2014 (host: G. Farinola)
(21) ISIS- Strasbourg, 2014 (host: L. De Cola)
(22) Scuola Normale Superiore-Pisa, 2015 (host: V. Barone)
M. Prato (Trieste), A. Hirsch (Erlangen - DE), F. Paolucci (Bologna), S. Campagna (Messina), M. Muccini (Bologna), P. Ceroni (Bologna), M. Tormen (Trieste), G. Mistura (Padova), D. Guldi (Erlangen - DE), M. Panigati (Milano), C. Bignozzi (Ferrara), E. Galoppini (Rutgers U., Newark - USA), M. Benaglia (Milano), Luisa De Cola (ISIS, Strasbourg).