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Piero Rafanelli
Professore ordinario di Spettroscopia astronomica nell'Universitā di Padova
- s.c.r. 19 luglio 2007, s.e. eletto il 3 dicembre 2020
Date and place of birth: 17 February 1948, FIRENZE, Italy
Nationality: Italian
Education: 1974, Laurea in Astronomy at the University of Padova, 110/110
Last position: Full Professor of Astronomy & Astrophysics at the University of Padova,
1976 - 1979 fellow of the University of Padova;
1979 - 1985 Staff Astronomer at the Padova Astronomical Observatory;
1985 - 2000 Associate professor of Astronomical Spectroscopy at the University of Padova;
1988 - 2012 Adjunct professor of Astronomy at the University of Innsbruck;
2012 - today Honorar professor of Astronomy at the University of Innsbruck;
1986 - 1995 Head of the Unit of Research of the National Research Council at the Asiago
Astrophysical Observatory;
1986 - 2000 member of the Scientific Board of the National Group of Astronomy of C.N.R;
1989 - 1992 Deputy Head of the Department of Astronomy of the University of Padova;
1992 - 1993 Adjunct Professor of Astrophysics (University of Perugia);
1997 - 1999 Adjunct Professor of Astrophysics (University of Salerno);
1993 - 1995 "Villa Vigoni" fellow through a grant awarded by the Italian Permanent
Conference of the Rectors for scientific cooperation with the "Astronomisches
Institut der Universität Bochum".
1996 - 1997 Member of the Evaluation Committee of the University of Potsdam for the
1997 - 1998 delivery of the Ph.D. Degree in Astrophysics
1998 - 1999 Member of the Evaluation Committes of the Universities of Innsbruck, Potsdam
and Helwan (Egypt) for the delivery of the professorship (venia docendi) in
Astronomy and Astrophysics
1999 - 2000 Deputy Head of Department of Astronomy of the University of Padova;
2000 - 2018 Full professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Padova;
2000 - 2006 Head of the Department of Astronomy of the University of Padova;
2007- 2011 Head of the Department of Astronomy of the University of Padova;
2004 - 2008 Component of the advisory board of the Council of Department Directors,
University of Padova
2004 - 2008 Deputy Chairman of the Council of Department Directors, University of Padova
2006 - 2010 Deputy of the Rector for the organization in Padova of the acitvities of the
"2009 International Year of Astronomy";
2006 - 2011 Member of the National Board for the celebration of "2009 - International Year of
2008 - 2012 Member of the "Astronomical Commission" of the Austrian Academy of
2009 - 2016 - Deputy of the Rector of the University of Padova for the international relations
with german Universities;
- Member of the Advisory Board for the Internationalization of the University of
2009 - 2017 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Astromundus Joint Master
Degree programme in Astronomy and Astrophysics, a joint master course
involving Universities in Austria, Germany, Italy and Serbia
2011 - 2020 Adjunct Full Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Universitā
Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia.
1980 - 1981 Alexander von Humboldt fellow at the Max Planck Institut für Astronomie,
1986, 1987, 1989 - Summer Semesters Visiting Astronomer at Lick Observatory, University
of California S. Cruz
1988 - Winter semester Visiting Scientist at the European Southern Observatory for the
improvement of the design of an all spherical corrector for the prime focus of
1991 - Summer Semester Visiting Astronomer at the Institute of Astronomy of the Universidad
Autonoma de Mexico.
1995, 1997 - Summer Semesters Visiting Scientist of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung
at the Astronomisches Institut Potsdam
1995, 1996 - Summer Semesters Visiting Scientist of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft at the
Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Heidelberg
1998 - 1999 Academic Year Visiting Professor at the University of Potsdam in the frame of
the Program Socrates - Erasmus, action Teaching Staff Mobility
2004 - corresponding member Accademia Galileiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Padova
2013 - effective member
2004 - Foreign member Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna
2007 - corresponding member Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti, Venezia (IVSLA)
2020 - effective member
2012 - Honorar Professor University of Innsbruck
Other professional bodies:
- International Astronomical Union
- Societā Astronomica Italiana
1986- 2000 Member of the National Board of Astronomy of CNR (National Research Council);
1989-1992 Deputy of the Padova Astronomical Observatory as responsible for the supply of
the mirrors of the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) by SCHOTT and by ZEISS
1997 Advisor of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft for the award of the Otto Hahn Medal;
1997- 2001 Member of the panel committee of the VST (Very Large Telescope Survey
Telescope) project at the Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte;
1997- 2001 Deputy of the Osservatorio Astronomico di Napoli Capodimonte as responsible for
the supply by Zeiss - Lytkarino of the mirrors of VST
2001 Member of the Time Allocation Committee of TNG
2005 Advisor of INAF for the refurbishment of the TT1 telescope of the Osservatorio
Astronomico di Capodimonte
1978 - 1979 Scientific advisor of "Piano Spaziale Nazionale" for the optical design of the
telescope of the Hipparcos mission. Activity consisting in the simulation and
evaluation of the optical quality of both a triple and double splitted entrance pupil
of an astrometric telescope.
1982 - 1983 Member of the Science Team of ESA for the assessment and Phase A study of
the Magellan mission, designed to provide high resolution spectra of celestial
sources down to sixteenth magnitude over the extreme ultraviolet wavelength
range (between 50 and 140 nm).
1988 - 1989 Supervisor of the optical project during the feasibility study and phase A study of
the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG).
1989 - 1992 Leading the TNG project effort in the management/scientific oversight of the
development and construction in cooperation with Schott and Zeiss of the main
mirrors M1 and M2 of TNG. The main tasks of this activity were: Wording the
contract with Schott and Zeiss, organizing and carrying out the final acceptance
tests and finally instruct a further improvement of the contractual optical quality.
1996 - 1999 Scientific and technical advisor of the National Research Institute of Astronomy
and Geophysics (NRIAG) of Egypt for the organization of the final optical
tests of the main mirror of the 1.5m Kottamya Telescope an for its implementation.
1997 - 2001 Leading the VST project effort in the management/scientific oversight of the
development and construction in cooperation with Zeiss and Lytkarino of the
main mirrors M1 and M2 of VST. The main tasks of this activity were:
1. wording the contract with Zeiss and Lytkarino,
2. organizing and carrying out the final acceptance tests
2000 - 2011
* Director of AAO (Asiago Astrophysical Observatory) of the University of Padova with responsibility of all technical and administrative actions connected with the functioning of the Observatory e.g.: fund raising, general maintenance, ehancement of the scientific equipment, didactics, public outreach etc..
* Complete refurbishing of the logistic facilities of the AAO.
* Enhancement of the Galileo Telescope of AAO from an old light-collector to a modern remote controlled telescope, equipped with a new polished main mirror and a new secondary mirror. The new aperture ratio of the telescope in combination with the aperture ratio of the spectrograph allowed a remarkable increase of the spectral resolution, making the telescope attractive for innternational networks of observatories involved in the monitoring of transient phenomena and for identification of optical counterparts of high energy sources.
* Enhancement of the optics and remote control system of the spectrograph of the Galileo Telescope at AAO
* Organization of a national project for the dissemination of Astronomy and Astrophysics in the High Schools in cooperation with the Ministery of Instruction University and Research (MIUR). The project named "Il cielo come laboratorio" is still operating since 2002.
* Promoter and organizer of the network of the AstroMundus project, a 2-years Erasmus+: Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degree programme in Astronomy and Astrophysics.
The programme was initiated in 2009 as an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course and continued within the framework of the new Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The Masters Courses were offered by a consortium of 5 partner universities in Austria, Italy, Germany, and Serbia, with the participation of 4 research institutions as associated partners in Italy, Serbia, and Germany. Astromundus expired the academic year 2018 / 2019.
2011 - 2018
* Design and implementation in collaboration with the Heraeus-Stiftung of a bi-national Teacher Training Project "Astronomy from four perspectives". A cooperation between italian and german Universities: Padova, Firenze, Jena, Heidelberg, addressed to organize each year a cyclical series of training seminars for high‐school teachers and teacher students in astronomy and physics. Project still operating since 2012.
* Design and managment of a co-operation agreement for the implementation of an international joint master's programme in the field of physics, between Universitā degli studi di Padova, Italy, and Universität Heidelberg, Germany.
Project named
still operating since Academic Year 2015 - 2016
* (2017 - 2018) Chair of the internal Committee of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Padova for the establishment of a new Master Degree programme in Astronomy and Astrophysics.
One Semester Courses
Astronomical Spectroscopy (UNIPD, UIBK - Innsbruck)
Astrophysical Techniques (UNIPD, UIBK)
Astrophysics of the Interstellar Medium (UNIPD)
Astronomy 2 (UNIPD)
Astrophysics (UNIPD, UNIPG - Perugia, UNISA - Salerno)
Elements of Astronomy and Astrophysics (UNICATT - Brescia)
Ph.D. Courses
Physics of stellar Atmospheres (UNIPD)
Astrophysics of Gaseous Nebulae (UNIPD, UNINA, UIBK, UNI-POTSDAM)
Shock Waves in Astrophysics (UNIPD, UIBK)
X - Ray Spectroscopy in Astrophysics (UNIPD)
Manuscripts of the lectures are available for all classes
Supervision of master and Ph.D. thesis
Supervisor of more than 60 (esattamente 64) master theses in Astronomy and Astrophysics and of around 20 Ph.D. theses in Astronomy and Astrophysics in italian and foreign Universities.
P.R. has been referee of the following international astronomical journals:
- Astrophysical Journal,
- Astronomical Journal,
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
- Astronomy and Astrophysics,
- Astronomische Nachrichten.
- Physical processes in Novae;
- Variability of AGN;
- Tests of the unified model of AGN;
- Relationship between galactic activity (Starburst and Seyfert) and interaction
between galaxies;
- Star formation in normal and active galaxies;
- 3D spectroscopy of the circumnuclear regions of AGN;
- Relationship between X and Optical properties of nearby AGN; physics of
gaseous nebulae;
- VLTI interferometry of AGN.
- Multi-wavelength Spectroscopy and its applications in Astrophysics
The research activity of P.R. is attested by 260 astronomical publications:
- in international journals (99)
- in communications at international congresses (151)
- in technical publications in the field of Astronomical Optics (10).
details available on "SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System" at web page
Piero Rafanelli
Padova September 2020
Curriculum Vitae sintetico
Data e luogo di nascita: 17 Febbraio 1948 - FIRENZE, Italia
Nazionalita': italiana
Positione attuale: Professore Ordinario di Astronomia e Astrofisica all' Universitā di Padova
Titoli accademici e incarichi istituzionali:
1974 laurea in Astronomia presso l'Universita' di Padova;
1976-1979 borsa di studio dell'Universita' di Padova;
1979-1985 astronomo di ruolo presso l'Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova;
1980-1981 borsa Alexander von Humboldt presso il Max Planck Institut für Astronomie;
1985-2000 professore associato (spettroscopia astronomica) presso l'Universita' di Padova;
1986-1995 membro del "Gruppo Nazionale di Astronomia" del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR);
1986-2000 membro del "Consiglio Scientifico del Gruppo Nazionale di Astronomia" del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR);
1988- oggi professore aggiunto di Astronomia e Astrofisica presso l'Universita' di Innsbruck;
1992-1993 professore supplente di Astrofisica presso l'Universita' di Perugia;
1997-1999 professore supplente di Astrofisica presso l'Universita' di Salerno;
1989-1992 responsabile, su incarico dell'Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, per la fornitura e il collaudo degli specchi del telescopio nazionale Galileo (TNG);
1989-1992 vice direttore del Dipartimento di Astronomia dell'Universita' di Padova;
1992-1993 Professore di Astrofisica (Universitā di Perugia);
1997-1999 Professor di Astrofisica (Universitā di Salerno);
1993-1995 titolare Grant "Villa Vigoni" assegnato dalla Conferenza Permanente dei Rettori per collaborazione scientifica con lo "Astronomisches Institut der Universität Bochum";
1997 Referee della Max-Planck-Gesellschaft per l'assegnazione della medaglia Otto Hahn;
1997-2001 membro della commissione di controllo del progetto VST;
1999-2000 vicedirettore del Diaprtimento diAstronomia dell'Universitā di Padova
2000- oggi Professore Ordinario presso l'Universita` di Padova;
2000-2006 Direttore del Dipartimento di Astronomia dell'Universita`di Padova;
2006-2010 Delegato del Rettore per l'organizzazione del "2009 Anno Internazionale dell'Astronomia";
2006-2011 Membro della Giunta del Comitato Nazionale per il "2009 Anno Internazionale dell'Astronomia"
2007-2011 Direttore del Dipartimento di Astronomia dell'Universita`di Padova;
2010-2016 Delegato del Rettore per i rapporti con le Universitā tedesche;
2011-oggi Professore Ordinario Aggiunto di Astronomia e Astrofisica all'Universitā Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Dal 2012 č Professore Onorario dell' Universitā di Innsbruck.
Professore Visitatore:
° Visiting Astronomer al Lick Observatory, University of California S. Cruz (Summer Semesters 1986, 1987, 1989).
° Visiting Astronomer allo Institute of Astronomy of the Universidad Autonoma de Mexico bel Summer Semester 1991.
° Visiting Scientist della Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung allo Astronomisches Institut Potsdam nel Summer Semesters 1995, 1997.
° Visiting Scientist della Max-Planck-Gesellschaft al Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Heidelberg nei Summer semesters 1995, 1996.
° Visiting Professor alla University of Potsdam nell'ambito del Programma Socrates-Erasmus, action Teaching Staff Mobility, a.a. 1998-99.
P.R. č stato referee delle seguenti riviste internazionali di Astronomia:
- Astrophysical Journal,
- Astronomical Journal,
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
- Astronomy and Astrophysics,
- Astronomische Nachrichten.
P.R. č membro delle seguenti accademie:
- Accademia Galileiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti di Padova.dal 2004
- Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften di Vienna, dal 2004
- Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti di Venezia, dal 2007.
Afferenza a Societā Astronomiche
- International Astronomical Union
- Österreichische Astronomische Gesellschaft
- Societā Astronomica Italiana
Argomenti di ricerca:
- processi fisici nelle stelle Novae;
- variabilita' spettroscopica degli AGN;
- test dei modelli unificati di AGN;
- relazione fra l'attivita' galattica (Starburst e Seyfert) e l'interazione fra galassie;
- formazione stellare in galassie normali ed attive;
- studio della relazione fra fenomeno starburst circumnucleare e attivitā nucleare nelle galassie;
- spettroscopia 3D delle regioni circumnucleari di AGN;
- relazione fra proprietā X e ottiche in AGN vicini;
- fisica delle nebulose gassose;
- interferometria con VLTI di AGN.
Attivitā di ricerca
L'attivitā di ricerca di P.R. č testimoniata da 243 pubblicazioni:
- in riviste internazionali con refero (93)
- in comunicazioni a congressi internazionali (140)
- in pubblicazioni tecniche nel campo dell'ottica (10).
Padova, 10 dicembre 2018