Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti - Testata per la stampa

XXII School Of Pure And Applied Biophysics on

Intracellular ion channels and transporters in plant and animal cells

XXII School Of Pure And Applied Biophysics on

January 15th - 19th, 2018

Organised by:
SIBPA - Società Italiana di Biofisica Pura e Applicata
IVSLA - Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti

Director of the School
Armando Carpaneto - CNR Genoa (Italy) - E-mail: armando.carpaneto[at]
Giorgio M. Giacometti (IVSLA and University of Padua) - E-mail: gcometti[at]

Scientific Committee
Armando Carpaneto - CNR Genoa (Italy)
Anna Boccaccio - CNR Genoa (Italy)
Joachim Scholz-Starke - CNR Genoa (Italy)
Giorgio Giacometti - IVSLA and University of Padova (Italy)

Organising Committee
Elisabetta Vallarino - CNR Genoa (Italy)
Michela La Ferla - CNR Genoa (Italy)
Laura Padoan - IVSLA Venice (Italy)
Francesco Impallari - CNR Palermo (Italy)


Contacts for RegistrationArmando Carpaneto - armando.carpaneto[at]
Elisabetta Vallarino - elisabetta.vallarino[at]

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