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Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti - Testata per la stampa

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Stefano Vitale

Stefano Vitale

Professore ordinario di Fisica sperimentale dell'Università degli studi di Trento

- s.c.r. 13 giugno 2018
Education:"Laurea" in Physics, Summa cum Laude, University of Rome (Italy) October 25, 1976.
1977-79 Research fellow, University of Trento, Italy
1980-85 Assistant professor Condensed Matter Physics, University of Trento.
1985- Research associate, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN)
1985-93 Associate professor of Physics, University of Trento
1992 Visiting Professor, Department of Physics, University of California at Berkeley.
1994- Full professor of Physics, University of Trento.
1997-98 Visiting Scholar, University of California at Berkeley and Stanford University.
2005- Head of the Laboratory for Experimental Gravitation, Department of Physics, University
of Trento
1989-2003 co-Principal Investigator (PI) and Deputy Spokeperson of INFN's ultra-cryogenic
acoustic Gravitational Wave (GW) detector AURIGA at Laboratori Nazionali di
Legnaro of INFN.
2003-2017 Principal Investigator of the LISA Technology Package payload on board the LISA
Pathfinder mission of the European Space Agency (ESA). LISA Pathfinder is a
precursor to a spaceborne GW observatory, and the LTP is the only scientific instrument
on board the mission.
2017 Co-Principal Investigator LISA (Laser interferometer space-antenna)(stepped down to
prevent conflict of interest with SPC. See below)

Service on international academic bodies
1995-96 Member of ESA's study team for the STEP (Satellite Test of The Equivalence
Principle) mission.
1995-2000 Member of the LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) Study Team of ESA
1996-97 Member of ESA's Fundamental Physics Advisory Group (FPAG)
1998-2002 Vice-chair of Commissione H, Fundamental Phisics in Space, of Committee for Space
Research (COSPAR).
1998-2002 Member of the European Space Science Committee (ESSC) of the European Science
Foundation (ESF).
2000-2003 Chair of ESA's Fundamental Physics Advisory Group (FPAG)
2000-2003 Member of ESA's Space Science Advisory Committee (SSAC)
2000-2002 Chair of the Review Panel of ESA's Space Science Department
2001- Member of the GW International Committee (GWIC), a sub-committee of IUPAP.
2001-2011 Member of the LISA International Science Team (ESA/NASA)
2003 Chair of the "Space and Society" cross-disciplinary perspective group (XPG) within
ESA exercise to formulate the Cosmic Vision Program.
2003-2012 Member of the Fachbairat (Review Committee) of the Max-Planck Institute for
Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute).
2004-2005 ESA-ESF exercise on the evaluation of the ELIPS program. Chair of the Fundamental
Physics Panel.
2006-2009 Member of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee to the European
Gravitational Observatory (EGO the laboratory hosting VIRGO)
2006 Member of the ESA's Life and Physical Science Advisory Committee
2006 Member of the review committee of the Laboratoire de Annecy-le-vieux de Physique de
Particules (LAPP) of CNRS
2007-09 Member of ESA's Human Spaceflight, Microgravity and Exploration Advisory
2007-08 Member of the Astronet Roadmap Panel A: High energy, astroparticle, gravitational
2009-2010 Member of the gravitational waves roadmap committee of GWIC
2011-2012 Member of the study team of ESA's New Gravitational Observatory (L1 mission
2012-2013 Member of ESA's Technology Activities Scientific Advisory Commmittee for the future
Gravitational Wave mission.
2012-2013 Chair of the Payload Scientific Review Commmitte of ESA's STE-QUEST mission
study (M3 selection).
2013 Member of the Gravitational Wave Grant review panel of the Science and Technology
Facility Council of UK.
2014- Member of ESA's Gravitational Observatory Advisory Committee (GOAT) (L3
2014 Member of the search committee for the new chair of the ESSC
2015 Member of the Senior Survey Committee for ESA's M4 selection
2016 Member of Gravitational Wave Working Group of ESA
2016 Member of the Senior Survey Committee for ESA's New Ideas selection.
2017- Member of the Board of the division on "Gravitational Physics " of the European
Physical Society.
2017-2019 Chair of ESA Science Program Committee (Delegate body for the mandatory science

Service on national academic bodies
2006- Member of COSPAR's Italian committee
2008-2012 Member of the Standing Review Board (Nucleo di Valutazione) of the University of
Verona, Italy
2010-2011 Member of the Board (Consiglio di Amministrazione) of the Italian Space Agency (ASI)
as a wiseman for the formulation of the agency statutes
2013- Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) advisory committee for Industrial
Policy, Innovation and Technology Transfer.
2015 Chair of the search committee for ASI Director General
2015-2016 Scientific Advisor to the Italian Delegation to the Science Program Committee (SPC) of
2017 Italian Delegate to the Science Program Committee (SPC) of ESA

University management responsibilities
1996-2001 Member of the Board of Directors (Consiglio di Amministrazione) of the University of
Trento, Italy.
1990- Director of Consorzio Criospazio Ricerche, a research consortium of the Universities of
Trento and Padua, the INFN, the Trento Chamber of Commerce, and the CARITRO
1994-96 Rector's delegate for Industry Liaison. University of Trento. In charge of setting up and
conducting the University-Industry Liaison office.
1995-97 Head of the School in Material Science, University of Trento.
1998-2001 Vice-Rector (vice-rettore) for scientific research University of Trento. In charge of
research budget planning, and research departments performance evaluation.
2001-2004 Deputy Rector (Prorettore Vicario) University of Trento, also maintaining the functions
of vice-rector for research.

Refereree for the following agencies and funding bodies for project evaluation: ASI, European
Research Council (Declined for conflict of interest), ESA, INFN, Italian Ministry for University and
Research, Miller Foundation (Califinia), National Science Foundation (USA), Particle Physics and
Astronomy Research Council (UK), Portuguese Ministry for Science and Education, Science and
Technology Facilities Council (UK), Swedish Research Council, Max Planck Society
Referee for Astrophysical Journal, Advances in Space Research, Classical and Quantum Gravity,
Journal of Applied Physics, Optics Letters, Nature, Physical Review D, Physical Review Letters,
Physics Letters.
Refereee for about 20 universities and other academic institution around the word for recruitment or

Member of scientific programme committee or session convenor for about 45 international
About 70 invited or keynote lecture at international conferences.
>230 papers on international refereed journals


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