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Marino Zerial
Direttore all'Istituto Max Planck di Biologia Molecolare Cellulare e Genetica di Dresda
- s.s. eletto il 23 marzo 2019
Personal Data
Place and date of birth: Trieste, Italy; 8 August 1958
Affiliation: Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Dresden, Germany
Education and Professional Experience
1982: Doctor Degree (Laurea) in Biology, University of Trieste, Italy
Experimental thesis under the supervision of Prof. Domenico Romeo entitled: "Continuous immunostimulation and mucopolysaccharidosis: increase in mobilization and catabolism of heparan sulfate."
Apr. 1983 - Oct. 1985: Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute J. Monod, Paris, France
Oct. 1985 - Dec. 1988: Postdoctoral Fellow, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
Jan. 1989 - June 1991: Staff Scientist (Kai Simons' group), EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
July 1991 - Dec. 1997: Research Group Leader at Cell Biology Programme EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
Jan. 1998 - Present: Max Planck Director, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG), Dresden, Germany
( Honorary Professor at the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Dresden, Germany
Honors/Awards and Current Memberships
FEBS Anniversary Prize, Helsinki, 1 July 1994
Max Planck Director, 1 January 1998
Chiara D'Onofrio-Prize, Riva del Garda, 1999
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize by the German Research Foundation (DFG), 8 February 2006
The Journal of Cell Biology Editorial Board (since 1998)
Traffic Editorial Board (since 2005)
Cellular Logistics Editorial Board (since 2010)
Molecular Systems Biology Advisory Editorial Board (since 2010)
American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB; since 1987)
European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO; since 1996)
European Life Scientist Organization (ELSO; since 1998)
EMBL Alumni Association Board (since 1999)
European Academy of Sciences and Arts (since 2007)
German Society of Cell Biology (DGZ; since 2012)
Graduate Academy of the Technische Universität Dresden (since 2013)
Scientific Advisory Board of MRC-LMCB, London (since 2011)
Scientific Advisory Board of Institut Jacques Monod, Paris (chair; since 2011)
Scientific Advisory Board of the Venetian Institute of Molecular Medicine, Padua (since 2013)
Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (since 2021)
Activities in Academic Self-Administration, Business, Politics
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Fondazione Cariplo (since 2007)
Member of the Italian Scholarship Advisory Committee of the Giovanni Armenise-Harvard Foundation (since 2007; chair since 2013)
Managing Director of MPI-CBG, July 2008 - June 2011
Member of the Fakultätsrat of the Medical Faculty of the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) (since 2012)
Member of ERC Grant review panels (2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018/19)
Member of the MPI-CBG initiative "Science & Society" (permanent forum)
Co-author of the book: Hyman, R. A., Mack, G., Pallasmaa, J. and Zerial, M. (2003). Gentle Bridges: Architecture, Art and Science. Birkhäuser-Publishers for Architecture
Performed in Brecht's "Lehrstück" in the "kleine szene" of the Semperoper Dresden, Germany
Patent: A new Assay to Detect Substances Useful for the Therapy of Cancer and Infectious Diseases (2001). EP 99118385.6 (filed European Patent Application)
Patent: APPL Proteins as Rab5 Effectors (2004). PCT/EP 2004/007527 (filed International Patent Application)
Practical Courses/Teaching & Conference organization
Instructor at the EMBO Course on Non-Isotopic Methods for the analysis of DNA and RNA
(3 - 8 and 10 - 15 December, 1984), Institute Jacques Monod, Paris, France
Teacher in the Practical Course "Analysis of Membrane Traffic", EMBO Course "Methods in Cell Biology" (October 6 - 17, 1993), EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
Teacher in the Practical Course "Analysis of Membrane Traffic", EMBO Course "Methods in Cell Biology" (October 1 - 11, 1995), EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
EMBO Plenary Lecture at FEBS Advanced Lecture Course "New Developments in Membrane Biology: Rafts, protein sorting and signal transduction" (June 2003), Tbilisi, Georgia
Lecturer in EMBO Practical Course on "Modern Methods in Cell Biology" (October 2003), EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
Tutorial at MRC-LMCB/UCL (January 2005), London, UK
Lecturer in EMBO Practical Course on "Methods In Cell Biology: From Single Molecule To Complex Systems Analysis" (August 2005), EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
Lecturer in Physics Of Cellular Objects Summer School (August 2006), Cargèse, Corsica
Lecturer in Course on "Cell Biology of Infection" at Center for Neurosciences and Cell Biology (March 2007), Coimbra, Portugal
Lecturer in the PhD Course of the International Max Planck Research School for Molecular Cell Biology and Bioengineering Dresden, MPI-CBG, Dresden, Germany, 2001 - 2011, 2017 and 2018
Annual Student Lecture at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (May 2013), Santiago, Chile
Special PhD Lecture at Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (March 2015), Hamburg, Germany
Lecturer in the BIOTEC/CRTD International Master's Course of the Technische Universität Dresden on "Regenerative Biology and Medicine", Dresden, Germany, 2002 - 2019
Organizer of the first EMBL Summer School, Alghero, Sardinia, Italy, 10 - 12 October 1994
Organizer of the ESF-EMBO conference on "Membrane Dynamics in Endocytosis", Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy, 13 - 18 September 2003
Co-organizer of the EMBO Practical Course on "Endocytosis and signaling during development", MPI-CBG, Dresden, Germany, 4 - 15 October 2005
Co-organizer of the SBMC 2008, Conference on Systems Biology of Mammalian Cells, Dresden,
Germany, 22 - 24 May 2008
Co-organizer of the Symposium "Principles of Cell and Tissue Organization", MPI-CBG, Dresden, Germany, 10 - 12 November 2008
Co-organizer of the ENDOTRACK conference "On the tracks of signalling", Lucca, Italy,
9 - 11 November 2009
Co-organizer of the Symposium for the 60th Birthday of Wieland Huttner, Dresden, Germany,
21 - 23 February 2010
Co-organizer of the 2012 annual meeting of the German Society of Cell Biology (DGZ), Dresden, Germany, 21 - 24 March 2012
Co-organizer of the Symposium for the 65th Birthday of Elisabeth Knust, Dresden, Germany,
11 - 12 January 2015
Co-organizer of the 15th MPI-CBG Anniversary Symposium, Dresden, Germany,
27 - 29 October 2016
Co-organizer of the 10th EMBO-Annaberg Workshop on Emerging concepts in cell organization, Goldegg, Austria, 10 - 15 January 2017
Co-organizer of the 2018 FASEB SRC on "Small GTPases in Membrane Processes: Trafficking, Autophagy and Disease", Leesburg, VA, USA, 23 - 28 September 2018
Special lectures/seminars
13 October 2002: Opening Lecture - Frontiers of Cellular Microbiology and Cell Biology: EuroConference on Trafficking and Signal Transduction; Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain
20 February 2003: Special Seminar Series - Cancer Research UK; London, UK
17 May 2003: Keynote Lecture - BSCDB annual spring meeting; Brussels, Belgium
29 June 2003: EMBO Plenary Lecture - FEBS Advanced Lecture Course "New Developments in Membrane Biology: Rafts, protein sorting and signal transduction"; Tbilisi, Georgia
20 January 2004: Keynote Address - Keystone Symposium on "Traffic Control: Rab GTPases in Vesicular Transport"/"Golgi Apparatus and Secretory Pathway of Eukaryotic Cells"; Breckenridge, CO, USA
3 October 2004: Special Lecture - 6th Congress of the FISV; Riva del Garda, Italy
21 January 2005: Membrane Trafficking Tutorial - MRC-LMCB/UCL; London, UK
21 June 2005: Featured Speaker - Gordon Research Conference "Neurotrophic Factors"; Salve Regina, Newport, RI, USA
19 September 2005: Keynote Lecture - Joint EMBO-FEBS-ESF Workshop on "Membrane Dynamics in Endocytosis"; Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain
29 March 2006: Speaker in Plenary Symposium - DGZ Annual Meeting; Braunschweig, Germany
15 June 2006: Opening Lecture - Pathways of Life Symposium; Copenhagen, Denmark
25 September 2006: FEBS Special Lecture - ESF Research Conference on "Interface of Cell Biology and Cellular Microbiology"; Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain
12 December 2006: Symposium Speaker - ASCB Annual Meeting; San Diego, CA, USA
21 March 2007: Closing Lecture - EMBO/FEBS/ISF Workshop on "Systems Dynamics of Intracellular Communication - Overcoming Distance in Signaling Networks"; Maale Hachamisha, Israel
25 April 2007: Frontiers in Biology Seminar Series - Stanford University; Stanford, CA, USA
1 April 2008: Keith Stanley Lecture - 8th Hunter Cellular Biology Meeting; Pokolbin, NSW, Australia
12 September 2008: Keynote Speaker - German Conference on Bioinformatics; Dresden, Germany
27 August 2009: Opening Lecture - First international symposium "Infection of the Endothelium"; Dresden, Germany
10 September 2009: Keynote Speaker - FASEB Summer Research Conference on "Glucose Transporter Biology and Diabetes"; Lucca, Italy
12 November 2009: Plenary Lecture - 1st HSR-MDC Joint PhD Student Meeting; Stresa, Italy
15 April 2010: Plenary Lecture - 4th ESF Conference on "Functional Genomics and Disease"; Dresden, Germany
17 May 2010: Distinguished Scientist Seminar Series - UCLA; Los Angeles, CA, USA
2 July 2010: Keynote Lecture - Annual Meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology; Prague, Czech Republic
13 October 2011: Karolinska Research Lecture at Nobel Forum - Karolinska Institute; Stockholm, Sweden
4 April 2012: Special Lecture - ESF-EMBO Symposium on "Cell Polarity and Membrane Traffic"; Pultusk, Poland
29 November 2012: Keynote Lecture - International workshop on large-scale cell biology; Paris, France
7 March 2013: Plenary Lecture - EMBO Workshop on the "Physical Biology of Cancer"; Candiolo; Italy
29 April 2013: Special Seminar - Sackler School of Medicine; Tel Aviv, Israel
14 & 15 May 2013: Annual Student Lecture - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Santiago, Chile
17 June 2014: Keynote Talk - ISMB symposium; London, UK
18 July 2014: Special Session - EMBL 40th Anniversary Reunion; Heidelberg, Germany
12 September 2014: Special Lecture - EMBO Workshop on "Current advances in membrane trafficking: Implications for polarity and diseases"; Puerto Natales, Chile
26 September 2014: Plenary Talk - Brisbane Cell and Developmental Biology Meeting; Brisbane, Australia
2 October 2014: Plenary Lecture - ComBio2014 Symposium; Canberra, Australia
26 February 2015: Plenary Lecture - Biannual Meeting of the Israel Society for Cell Biology; Rehovot, Israel
12 March 2015: Special PhD Lecture - Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf; Hamburg, Germany
17 March 2015: Plenary Lecture - 13th Symposium on Pharmacokinetics and Drug Metabolism "Oligonucleotide-based therapeutics"; Mölndal, Sweden
12 May 2015: Keynote Lecture - Third Symposium of the Epithelial Biology Center; Nashville, TN, USA
28 June 2015: Keynote Lecture - Gordon Research Conference on "Cell Contact and Adhesion"; Andover, NH, USA
9 November 2015: Keynote Speaker - Scientific Roundtable on "Challenges to Modern Medicine" of the Armenise Harvard Foundation; Rome, Italy
22 January 2016: Marie Curie Seminar - Institut Curie, Paris, France
16 March 2016: Opening Plenary Lecture - 10th Annual Brains for Brain Symposium; Madrid, Spain
16 June 2016: Keynote Speaker/Novikoff Lecture - Gordon Research Conference on Lysosomes & Endocytosis; Andover, NH, USA
27 September 2016: Plenary Lecture - International SFB/Transregio 83 Symposium on Molecular Architecture and Cellular Functions of Lipid/Protein Assemblies; Heidelberg, Germany
25 October 2016: The Michael J. Fox Foundation Workshop on Rab GTPases in Parkinson's Disease; New York, NY, USA
25 November 2016: Plenary Lecture - 67th Panhellenic Conference of the HSBMB; Ioannina, Greece
6 January 2017: Keynote Lecture - Quantitative BioImaging conference; College Station, TX, USA
27 February 2017: Plenary Lecture - San Raffaele Scientific Institute; Milan, Italy
30 May 2017: Bridget Ogilvie Lecture - University of Dundee; Dundee, UK
4 June 2017: Keynote Lecture - EMBO Symposium on "Cell polarity and membrane dynamics"; San Feliu de Gixols, Spain
27 June 2018: Plenary Session Talk - EMBO Workshop "Membrane Fusion in Health and Disease"; Cambridge, UK