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Giorgio Brunello
Professore ordinario di Politica economica nell'Università degli Studi di Padova
- s.c.r. eletto il 3 dicembre 2020
1987: Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Economics - Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
1981: Master of Science in Economics - London School of Economics - London, UK
1979: Laurea in Economics, Faculty of Economics, Universita' di Venezia, Italy
Current Position
1998 - ongoing: Full Professor of Economics, Department of Economics and
Management, Università di Padova, Italy
Affiliations and Fellowships
From 2020: Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere e Arti
From 2018: HEDG Group, University of York
From 2017: Senior Research Fellow, School of European Political Economy, LUISS,
From 2012: Research Fellow, ROA (Maastricht University), The Netherlands
From 2004: European Network of Experts on the Economics of Education, The
European Commission, country expert
From 2000: CESifo Research Fellow, Ifo Munich, Germany
From 1999: IZA Research Fellow, Bonn, Germany
2006: Collegio Carlo Alberto Fellowship (three months)
2017: LUISS School of European Political Economy Fellowship (one month)
Previous Positions
2014, Spring: Visiting Professor, School of Economics, Lancaster University
Management School, United Kingdom (chair offered but declined)
1996-1997: Full Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Università di Udine,
1992-1996: Associate Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Università di
Venezia, Italy
1990-1992: Assistant Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Università di
Venezia, Italy
1989: Associate Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Osaka University
1987-1989: Lecturer of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Osaka University
Visiting Positions
- Visiting Scholar, Center for Economic Performance, London School of
Economics (September 1988 to February 1989 and August 1989)
- Visiting Scholar, Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California at
Berkeley (January 1995)
- Visiting Professor, Deakin University, Melbourne (July and August 1996)
- Visiting Professor, Osaka University (Winter 1996 and Spring 2012)
- Visiting Scholar, The Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies, Oxford University
(Summer 1998)
- Visiting Scholar, IZA Bonn (September 1999)
- Vistiting Scholar, Boston University (October 2000)
- Visiting Scholar, Essex University (Summer 2000)
- Visiting Professor, Kyoto University (Summer 2002 and December 2006 to May
- Visiting Scholar, Amsterdam University (February 2003)
- Vistiting Professor, University of Paris II (October 2003)
- Visiting Scholar, Bank of Italy Research Department (April 2004)
- Visiting Scholar, CIRJE Tokyo University (October 2004)
- Visiting Scholar, CESifo Munich (September 2007)
- Visiting Professor, Lancaster University Management School (February and
March 2014)
- Visiting Professor, Maastricht University (September 2017 and 2019)
Undergraduate Education
2014: Labour Economics, Advanced Microeconomics (Lancaster University
Management School)
1998-2018: Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Labour Economics (Padova University)
1996-1998: Macroeconomics, Economic Growth (Udine University)
1992-1996: Macroeconomics, Microeconomics (Venice University)
1998: Labour Economics (Bocconi University)
1996: Labour Economics (Deakin University, Melbourne)
1987-1989: The European Economy, Labour Economics (taught in Japanese) (Osaka
Graduate Education
2015, 2017: Economics of Education (Tbilisi State University, Georgia)
2000-: Economics of Education, Labour Economics (Master Degree, Padova)
2011-16: Labour Economics (PhD, Padova)
2010: Microeconomics (PhD, Padova)
PhD students: Martina Celidoni (co-supervision), Elena Crivellaro, Pablo Torija, Marco
Bertoni, Monica Langella, Lisha Agarwal (ongoing)
2017: certificate of Highly Cited Research in The Economics of Education Review
2014: certificate of Excellence in Reviewing, 2011-13, Labour Economics
2008: shortlisted for the award on the best book of the year in Labour Economics and
Industrial Relations, Princeton University, The Firestone Library, for the book
"Education and Training in Europe"
2001: JEL (Japan Institute of Labour) Prize for the best book on the Japanese labour
market, year 2000, for the book "Internal Labour Markets in Japan"
2001: shortlisted for the award on the best book of the year in Labour Economics and
Industrial Relations, Princeton University, The Firestone Library, for the book "Internal
Labour Markets in Japan"
Other Appointments
2020: reviewer for ERC Starting Grants
2020-22: member of the Executive Committee of the European Association of Labour
Economists (EALE) - as local organizer of the 2021 Conference
2018-20: member of the panel of experts PIAAC 2 Background Questionnaire, ETS and
OECD. The Panel meets to revise the Background Questionnaire for the second wave
2016-2019: member of the selection committee, Bonaldo Stringher scholarships, Bank of
2009-2014: member of the advisory board of The Swiss Leading House on The
Economics of Education and Training, Zurich
2013-2014: member of the national committee on the implications of PIAAC results for
the Italian education system, The Italian Ministry of Labour and Education
2012-2015: director, PhD School, Department of Economics and Management,
University of Padova
2012-2013: member of the national panel, Economics, Business and Statistics; Italian
National Evaluation of Universities (VQR)
2009-2011: deputy dean, School of Economics, University of Padova
1997-1998: department head, Department of Economics, University of Udine
1997-2003 member of the Executive Committee of the European Association of Labour
Economists (EALE)
1993-1998 CEPR (Centre for Economic Policy Research) Research Associate of the
CEPR Research Project on Comparative Experiences of Economic Growth in Post War
1988: appointment (declined) to the Economist Program, the International Monetary
Main Research Grants
2020: University Grant: "The Effect of the FFABR Grants on Research Performance"
(funds: 20K euro)
2019: local coordinator of the National Research Grant (PRIN): "Labour Market
Flexibility"; national coordinator: Pietro Garibaldi (funds: about 80K euro for Padova
2018: University Grant: "On the Optimal Length of Education Tests" (funds: 20K euro)
2017: University Grant to hire a post doc (funds: about 50K euro)
2015: scientific coordinator Starting Grants for the project "Education, Retirement and
Household Behaviour", Fondazione Cariparo (funds: about 200K euro)
2013: member of the Strategic Project on "Ageing and Health", The University of
Padova, member (coordinator: Guglielmo Weber) (funds: about 500K euro)
2011: local coordinator of National Research Grant (PRIN): "The Evaluation of Public
Policies in Education, Justice and the Public Administration"; national coordinator:
Andrea Ichino (funds: about 70K euro for Padova unit).
2008-2010 coordinator of Project of Excellence "The Effect of Early Life Conditions on
the Welfare and Health Conditions later in Life", Fondazione Cariparo (funds: 120K
2004-2008 national coordinator of the Research and Training Network on "The
Economics of Education (EEEPE)", coordinated by CEPR, funded by the European
Commission (funds: about 50K euro for Padova unit).
2005: local coordinator of the National Research Grant (PRIN): "Labour Market
Institutions and Education in the OECD Countries"; national coordinator: Giuseppe
Bertola (funds: about 50K euro for Padova unit).
2002-2004 Targeted Socio-Economic Research on "Education and Wage Inequality",
funded by The European Commission (central coordinator: ETLA, Helsinki, Finland);
national coordinator (funds: about 50K euro for Padova unit).
2003-2004 Grant for the project "Education Vouchers in Italy", funded by the
Fondazione Cariplo, Milan (with Daniele Checchi) (funds: about 40K euro).
2003: National Research Grant (PRIN): "Education and the Labour Market"; national
coordinator (funds: about 40K euro for Padova unit).
1998-2000 Targeted Socio-Economic Research on "The Economic Returns to Education
in Europe", funded by The European Commission (central coordinator: ETLA,
Helsinki, Finland); national coordinator (funds: about 50K euro for Padova unit).
1998-1999 Leonardo project on "Training and Regional Policies", funded by The
European Commission (central coordinator: The Work Research Institute, Oslo);
national coordinator (funds: about 40K euro for Padova unit).
2000-2001 Grant for a project on "Complementarities between Training and Education
in Asia", funded by the Asian Development Bank Research Institute. Coordinator:
Kenn Ariga (Kyoto) (funds: about 50K euro)
H - index (Publish or Perish Google Scholar): 50, total citations: 8649
H - index (Scopus): 24, total citations: 1882
Editorial Activities
From 2011: Co-Editor, Economics of Education Review
From 2011: Editorial Board, Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy
1997-2006: Editorial Board, Labour Economics
1991-1995: Editorial Board, Ricerche Economiche
Referee for: American Economic Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of
Political Economy, Review of Economic Studies, American Economic Journal, Journal
of Labor Economics, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of the European Economic
Association, The Economic Journal, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Industrial
Relations, The European Economic Review, Oxford Economic Papers, British Journal of
Industrial Relations, Labour Economics, Economics of Education Review, Scandinavian
Journal of Economics, Journal of Population Economics, Economics and Human
Biology, Economica, European Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Industrial
Economics, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Journal of
Macroeconomics, International Review of Economics and Finance, Scottish Journal of
Political Economy, Journal of Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and
Organization, International Tax Journal, International Journal of Industrial
Organization, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Rand Journal of Economics.
Conferences Organized (selection)
- European Association of Labour Economists 2021 (scheduled)
- I, V and IX Brucchi Luchino Workshop, Padova, 2002, 2006 and 2010 (with
Andrea Ichino, Daniele Checchi and Claudio Lucifora)
- CEPR Summer School, Economics of Education, June 2006, Padova (with
Ludger Wossmann and Steve Machin)
- Current Topics in the Japanese Economy, Venice 1992 (with Masahiko Aoki)
Invited Keynotes
2019: Maastricht Workshop on "Older Workers' Skills and Labour Market Behaviour",
The Netherlands
2017: AIEL Conference, Arcavacata di Rende
2014: Fifth Workshop on "Economics of Education" University of Barcelona, Spain
2013: Conference on "Education Governance", University of Trondheim, Norway
2013: Workshop on "Empirical Research in the Economics of Education", Universitat
Rovira i Virgili, Spain
2012: Cedefop and European Commission Conference on "Adult learning - Spotlight
on investment", Brussels, December
2012: Eurydice and European Commission Conference on "Funding of Education",
Brussels, October
2012: IWAEE Conference on "The Economics of Education", Catanzaro
2010: Workshop "Labour Economics and the Welfare State", Salzburg University
2008: LOWER Conference, Berlin
2008: Agora Conference, Cedefop, Thessaloniki
2007: Conference on Lifelong Learning, Danube University, Krems Austria
2005: EPUNET Conference, Essex University
Recent Invited Seminars and Conferences
2020: Bank of Italy (scheduled), Berlin (SOLE-EALE online), York (scheduled), Venice
2019: European Investment Bank, Padova, Maastricht, Piemonte Orientale (AIEL)
2018: Trento, Padova, Torino
2017: Tbilisi State University, LUISS, Rome La Sapienza, Bank of Italy, VisitINPS,
2016: Maastricht, Bolzano, Alicante, UPF Barcelona, Valencia, Brescia
2015: Tbilisi State University, Sussex, Ispra (JRC), LSE
2014: Lyon, Surrey, Lancaster
2013: Maastricht, Lancaster, Turin EALE
2012: Kyoto TLPS, Osaka, IADB (Washington), Munich, Essen, Rotterdam
2011: Seville, Wurzburg, Nurnberg, Brixen, Istanbul, Munich
2010: Paris School of Economics, Rome (ISFOL), Munich, Trento IRVAPP
2009: Carlos III, Alicante, Linz
Citations in the Press
May 2016: Boys who live with books earn more as adults, The Observer
November 2014: Die A-Frage, Die Zeit
September 2014: Wenn Manager in Rente gehen, wird die Gattin depressive, Die Zeit
October 2014: Ecco le prove: i pensionati fanno ammalare le mogli, Il Giornale
August 2014: Il Sole 24 Ore: "Sindrome da marito in pensione": insonnia e depressione
per le mogli
June 2011, Il Sole 24 Ore Nordest: All'immigrazione servono servizi
January 2007, The Times: Fat people are given a slimmer wage packet
October 2007, La Stampa: Lavoro subito e soldi, a Torino la laurea d'oro
October 2007, Panorama: Stipendi di domani: ecco quando conta la laurea d'oggi
November 2007, Venerdi di Repubblica: Università, ecco le cinquanta facoltà che vi
fanno lavorare davvero
January 2007, Management Issues News, Fatter shorter darker poorer
January 2007, The Times of India, your weight can affect earning power
Other Professional Activities
2019: design, implementation and evaluation of the RCT (Randomized Control Trial)
project "Managers per l'inserimento lavorativo", Fondazione Cariparo, Padova
2018-2019: impact evaluation of the policy to facilitate the employability of NEETs,
Fondazione Cariparo, Padova
2019: preparation of a working paper on employer provided training in Europe, The
European Investment Bank
2018: preparation of a working paper on skill mismatch in Europe, The European
Investment Bank
2014, 2015 and 2017: consultant to the OECD on the PIAAC survey, producing
background material and one working paper
Language Skills
English (fluent)
Japanese (intermediate)
Italian (mother tongue)
Research Interests
Economics of Education and Training
Applied Health Economics
Labour Economics
The Economics of Ageing and Retirement
Selected Publications
2020 Not in My Genes Only: Fading-out Effects of Grade-mates' BMI Genotypes on
Individual Obesity (with Sanz de Galdeano and Terskaya), Journal of Health Economics
2020 Does Delayed Retirement Affect Youth Employment? Evidence from Italian
Provinces (with Marco Bertoni), forthcoming in Economic Policy
2020 The Long Term Payoff of Having Privileged Peers. Evidence from Siblings in
Schools (with Marco Bertoni and Lorenzo Cappellari), forthcoming Journal of Applied
2018 Does Postponing Minimum Retirement Age Improve Healthy Behaviours before
Retirement? Evidence from Italian Middle-aged Workers (with Marco Bertoni and
Gianluca Mazzarella), Journal of Health Economics
2017 Not in my Community: Social Pressure and the Geography of Dismissals, (with
Andrea Bassanini and Eve Caroli), Journal of Labor Economics
2017 Books are Forever: Early Life Conditions, Education and Lifetime Earnings (with
Guglielmo Weber and Christoph Weiss), The Economic Journal
2013 When the Cat is Near the Mice Won't Play: the Effect of External Examiners in
Italian Schools (with Marco Bertoni and Lorenzo Rocco), Journal of Public Economics
2013 The Causal Effect of Education on the Body Mass: Evidence from Europe (with
Daniele Fabbri and Margherita Fort), Journal of Labor Economics
2011 Barriers to Entry, Deregulation and Workplace Training: a Theoretical Model with
Evidence for Europe (with Andrea Bassanini), European Economic Review
2009 The Rise of Obesity across the Atlantic: an Economic Perspective (with Anna Sanz
and Pierre Carl Michaud), Economic Policy
2009 The Effects of Educational Reforms in Europe on the Distribution of Earnings
(with Margherita Fort and Guglielmo Weber), The Economic Journal
2008 Educational Standards in Private and Public Schools (with Lorenzo Rocco), The
Economic Journal
2007 Does School Tracking Affect Equality of Opportunity? New International
Evidence (with Daniele Checchi), Economic Policy
2007 Workplace Training in Europe (with Andrea Bassanini, Alison Booth, Maria de
Paola and Edwin Leuven), in G. Brunello, P. Garibaldi and E. Wasmer (eds.), Education
and Training in Europe, Oxford University Press
2004 Wage Expectations of European college students (with Lucifora and Winter
Ebmer), Journal of Human Resources
2001 An Explanation of International Differences in Education and Workplace Training
(with Alfredo Medio), The European Economic Review
2000 Internal Labor Markets in Japan (with Kenn Ariga and Yasushi Ohkusa), Cambridge
University Press.
1999 Elite Schools, High Tech Jobs and Economic Welfare (with Tsuneo Ishikawa),
Journal of Public Economics
1992 Profit Sharing in Internal Labour Markets, The Economic Journal
1990 Hysteresis and the "Japanese Unemployment Problem": a Preliminary
Investigation, Oxford Economic Papers
Other Publications
2020 Does Low Skilled Immigration Increase Profits? Evidence from Italian Local
Labour Markets (with Elisabetta Lodigiani and Lorenzo Rocco), Regional Science and
Urban Economics
2020 Low Skilled Immigration and Human Capital Polarization: Evidence from Italian
Provinces (with Elisabetta Lodigiani and Lorenzo Rocco), Labour Economics
2019 Does Childcare affect the Mental Health of Grandmothers? Evidence from SHARE
(with Lorenzo Rocco), Review of the Economics of the Household
2017 The Effect of vocational education on adult skills and wages. What can we learn
from PIAAC?, (with Lorenzo Rocco), in SERIEs, the Journal of the Spanish Economic
2017 Pappa ante Portas. The Retired Husband Syndrome in Japan (with Marco
Bertoni), Social Science and Medicine
2017 The labour market effects of vocational and academic education over the life
cycle: evidence from a British cohort, (with Lorenzo Rocco), Journal of Human Capital
2016 Agglomeration Effects and the Great Recession: Evidence from Italian Industrial
Districts (with Monica Langella), Regional Science and Urban Economics
2016 Laterborns don't give up: the Effects of Birth Order on Earnings in Europe (with
Marco Bertoni), Demography
2016 The Health Education Gradient: do Lifestyles Matter? (with Nicole Scheeiwens,
Margherita Fort and Rudolf Winter Ebmer), Health Economics
2015 Pension Policies and Training: Evidence from Italy (with Simona Comi), The
Journal of the Economics of Ageing
2015 Does Mental Productivity Decline with Age? Evidence from Chess Players (with
Marco Bertoni and Lorenzo Rocco), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
2014 More Apples Fewer Crisps. The Effect of Fruit Campaigns on the Consumption of
Junk Food (with Maria De Paola and Giovanna Labartino), Health Policy
2014 The Costs of Early School Leaving in Europe (with Maria De Paola), EENEE
Report, IZA Journal of Labor Policy
2014 The Regional Distribution of Overweight: Evidence from Italy (with Giovanna
Labartino), Economics and Human Biology
2013 Bridge Jobs in Europe (with Monica Langella), IZA Journal of Labor Policy
2013 Leadership at School: does the Gender of Siblings Matter? (with Maria De Paola)
Economics Letters
2013 Do Immigrants Affect the School Performance of Natives? Evidence from
standardized test scores (with Lorenzo Rocco), Economics of Education Review
2012 Lost in Transition? The returns to education acquired under communism 15 years
after the fall of the Berlin Wall (with Elena Crivellaro and Lorenzo Rocco), Economics of
2012 Training subsidies and the wage returns to continuing vocational training.
Evidence from Italian regions (with Daniela Sonedda and Simona Comi), Labour
2012 On the Efficiency Costs of De-Tracking Secondary Schools in Europe, (with Kenn
Ariga, Lorenzo Rocco and Roki Iwahashi), Education Economics
2011 Income Taxes and the Composition of Pay (with Daniela Sonedda and Simona
Comi), Scottish Journal of Political Economy
2010 Residential Peer Effects in Higher Education: Does the Field of Study Matter?
(with Maria DePaola and Vincenzo Scoppa), Economic Inquiry
2010 The Effects of Cohort Size on European Earnings, Journal of Population Economics
2009 The Effect of Economic Downturns on Apprenticeships and Initial Workplace
Training: a Review of the Evidence, paper prepared for the Education and Training
Division, OECD, Journal of Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training
2009 Market Failures and the Under-provision of Training (with Maria de
Paola), Journal of Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training
2008 Training and the Density of Economic Activity: evidence from Italy (with Maria
De Paola), Labour Economics
2008 The Labour Market Effects of Alma Mater. Evidence from Italy (with Lorenzo
Cappellari), Economics of Education Review
2008 Is Training More Frequent when Wage Compression is Higher? Evidence from
the ECHP (with Andrea Bassanini), Labour Economics
2007 The Optimal Timing of School Tracking, (with Massimo Giannini and Kenn
Ariga), in P. Peterson and L. Woessmann, (eds), Schools and the Equal Opportunity
Problem, MIT Press, Cambridge MA
2007 Does Obesity hurt your Wages more in Dublin than in Madrid (with Beatrice
D'Hombres), Economics and Human Biology
2007 Progressive Taxation and Wage Setting when Unions Strategically Interact (with
Daniela Sonedda), Oxford Economic Papers
2007 Agglomeration Effects of Employer Provided Training: evidence from the UK,
(with Francesca Gambarotto), Regional Science and Urban Economics
2006 Are Education and Training Always Complements? Evidence from Thailand,
(with Kenn Ariga), Industrial and Labor Relations Review
2005 Family Background and School Quality in Italy (with Daniele Checchi), Economics
of Education Review
2004 Education and Earnings Growth: Evidence from 11 European Countries, (with
Simona Comi), Economics of Education Review
2004 Selective Schools (with Massimo Giannini), Bulletin of Economic Research
2004 Stratified or Comprehensive? The economic efficiency of school design (with
Massimo Giannini), The Scottish Journal of Political Economy, special issue on the
Economics of Education
2004 On the Complementarity between Education and Training in Europe,
forthcoming in Checchi and Lucifora, (eds.), Education, Training and Labour Market
Outcomes in Europe, Palgrave, McMillan
2003 Do Students Expect to Stay Longer in College? Evidence from Europe, (with
Rudolf Winter Ebmer), in Economics Letters
2003 CEO Turnover in Insider Dominated Boards: Evidence from Italy (with Parigi and
Graziano), Journal of Banking and Finance
2002 Absolute risk aversion and the returns to education, The Economics of Education
2001 Widening Differences in Regional Unemployment in Italy (with Claudio Lupi and
Patrizia Ordine), Labour Economics
2001 Executive Pay and Firm Performance in Italy (with Clara Graziano and Bruno
Parigi), International Journal of Industrial Organization
2000 Regional Disparities and the Italian NAIRU (with Claudio Lupi and Patrizia
Ordine), Oxford Economic Papers
1999 Fast Track: is it in the Genes? Evidence on the Promotion Policy of a Large
Japanese Firm (with Kenn Ariga and Yasushi Ohkusa), Journal of Economic Behavior and
1998 The Firm Size Wage Effect: evidence from Italy (with Aldo Colussi), Labour Economics
1998 Does Centralised Bargaining Reduce Individual Effort? The European Journal of Political
1997 Benefit Transfers in Italy: An Empirical Study of Mobility Lists in the Milan Area
(with Raffaele Miniaci), Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
1997 Earnings and Seniority in Japan, with a Comparison with the UK, (with Kenn
Ariga), Labour Economics
1997 Promotion, Skill Formation and Earnings Growth in a Corporate Hierarchy, (with Kenn
and Yasushi Ohkusa), Journal of the Japanese and the International Economies
1997 Internal versus Occupational Labour Markets in Japan (with Yasushi Ohkusa and Kenn
Ariga), Industrial Relations
1996 Equilibrium Unemployment with Internal Labour Markets, Economica
1996 Labour Market Institutions and the Double Dividend Hypothesis, in Carraro, C.
and Siniscalco, D., Environmental Reform and Unemployment, Kluwer Academic
1995 The Relationship between Supervision and Pay: Evidence from the British New
Earnings Survey, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
1995 Recent Changes in the Internal Structure of Wages and Employment in Japan
(with Ariga, Ohkusa and Nishiyama), Journal of the Japanese and International Economies
1994 Incentives, Bargaining and the Wage Structure, Scandinavian Journal of Economics
1992 The Relationship between Unions and Firm Performance in a Sample of Small and
Medium Japanese Manufacturers, Industrial and Labor Relations Review
1991 Mismatch in Japan, in Fiorella Padoa Schioppa (ed), Mismatch and Labour Mobility,
Cambridge University Press
1991 On the Length of Japanese Bonus Contracts, Journal of the Japanese and International
1990 Heterogeneous Matching, Mismatch and the Macro U-V curve, Economics Letters
1990 Are Efficient Contracts on the Labour Demand Curve? Economics Letters
1990 Competing Models of Union Behaviour: An Application to Japanese Panel Data, Journal
of the Japanese and the International Economies
1990 Real Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Employment: the Japanese Experience 1973-1986,
Journal of the Japanese and the International Economies
1989 The Employment Effects of Shorter Working Hours: an Application to Japanese
Data, Economica
1988 Organizational Adjustment and Institutional Factors in the Japanese Labour
Market Adjustment: an Empirical Evaluation, European Economic Review
1988 Transfers of Employees between Japanese Manufacturing Enterprises: a Survey
and Some Case Studies, British Journal of Industrial Relations
1987 Bonus-Chingin no Kettei Mechanism ni tsuite: Kigyobetsu data ni yoru saiko,
Osaka Economic Papers, 1987, 6, 28-41 (with Fumio Ohtake).
1986 Reverse Seniority and the Responsiveness of Wages and Employment to External Shocks: a
Note on the Japanese Experience, The Economic Studies Quarterly
1986 The Japanese Union in the McDonald Solow Model of Bargaining, The Economic Studies
Work in Progress - Papers with R&R status
2019 Math Scores in High Stakes Grades (with David Kiss), second revision, Economics
of Education Review
2018 Testing at Length if it is Cognitive or Non-Cognitive (with Angela Crema and
Lorenzo Rocco), second revision, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
2019 The Pathways to College (with Agarwal and Rocco), Journal of Human Capital
Other Recent Papers
2020 Where do I Stand? Assessing Researchers' Beliefs on their Relative Productivity
(with Bertoni, Checchi and Rocco)
2020 Financing Constraints and the Training Investments of European Firms (with
Geberen, Weiss and Wruuck)
2019 External Examiners in Schools. A Symptomatic Treatment? (with Bertoni, De
Benedetto and De Paola), submitted
2018 Recessions Improve Health, especially for the Unemployed (with Colin Green and
Maria Paniagua)
2013 Testing the Internal Validity of Compulsory School Reforms as Instrument for
Years of Schooling (with Margherita Fort, Guglielmo Weber and Christoph Weiss)
Recent Policy Papers
2020 Employer Provided Training in Europe (with Patricia Wruuck), European
Investment Bank
2018 Skill Shortages and Mismatch in Europe. A Review of the Literature (with Patricia
Wruuck), European Investment Bank Discussion Paper
2017 Earnings, Experience, Tenure and Skills. Evidence using PIAAC, OECD Report
2017 School Segregation of Immigrants and its Effects on Educational Outcomes.
European Evidence (with Maria De Paola), EENEE Analytical Report
2016 Education as a tool for the economic integration of migrants (with Maria De
Paola), EENEE Analytical Report
2015 How to Improve the Information Collected on Non workers in the PIAAC
Background Questionnaire, OECD Report
2011 Non Cognitive Skills and Personality Traits: Labour Market Relevance and their
development in E&T Systems (with Martin Schlotter), EENEE Report
2010 The Situation of Youth in the European Labour Market, Committee on
Employment and Social Affairs, public hearing at the European Parliament, Brussels,
2008 Learning for Jobs: Norway (with Malgorzata Kuczera, Simon Field and Nancy
Hoffman), OECD Reviews of VET, Paris
2007 The Effects of Training on Employment, Wages and Productivity: a European
Perspective, Thematic Review Seminar Measuring, improving and promoting effects of
lifelong learning, The European Commission DG Employment