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Elisabeth Guazzelli
Professoressa di Matière et Systemès Complexes (MSC) UMR 7057 nell'Université de Paris, CNRS
- s.s. eletto il 3 dicembre 2020
Research interests
Particulate Flows and more generally Fluid Dynamics and Soft-Matter Physics
Undergraduate student 1974-1979
École Normale Supérieure de
Bachelor of Science in Physics 1975
Université Paris-Sud now Paris-Saclay
Master of Science in Physics of Liquids 1979
Université Paris-Sud now Paris-Saclay
Graduate Thesis (Thèse de 3ème cycle) 1981
Advisor: E. Guyon Université Paris-Sud now Paris-Saclay
State doctorate (Thèse d'état) 1986
Advisor: R. Blanc Université Provence now Aix-Marseille
Main Positions
Junior Researcher (Attaché and then Chargé de
Senior Researcher (Directeur de Recherche) 1996-2015
Distinguished Senior Researcher (Directeur de
Recherche Classe Exceptionnelle)
Other Positions
Part-time Associate Professor 1999-2011
École Polytechnique Palaiseau
Part-time Scientific Officer (Chargé de mission) 2001-2005
Department of Engineering Sciences of CNRS
Deputy Director (Directeur Adjoint) 2008-2011
IUSTI Marseille
Rector 2012-Present
International Centre for Mechanical Sciences
Udine (Italy)
Visiting Positions
Visiting Scholar (CNRS-NSF exchange program) 1987-1988
Stanford University Stanford USA
Visiting Fellow Commoner May-September 2002
Trinity College Cambridge UK
Visiting Research Professor March-June 2009
Center for Soft Matter Research New York University USA
Associated Faculty 2009
Benjamin Levich Institute City College of CUNY USA
Honors and Awards (selected list)
Fellow 2008
American Physical Society
Fellow 2010
Prize Paul Doistau-Émile Blutet 2012
French Academy of Sciences Paris
Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur 2012
Fluid Mechanic Prize 2016
Foreign member 2020
Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arte Venice (Italy)
International member 2021
National Academy of Engineering USA
Editorial Board
JFM Associate Editor and Editor JFM Rapids
since 2015
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Editorial Committee Member 2011-2015
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics
Named/Plenary Lectures (selected list)
Plenary Talk November 2005
APS-DFD 58th annual meeting Chicago
Invited Talk July 2006
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 50th Anniversary Cambridge
Closing Lecture August 2007
CFM and EUROMECH493 Grenoble
Keynote Lecture September 2008
7th EUROMECH Fluid Mechanics Conference Manchester
Keynote Lecture June 2010
International Conference of Multiphase Flows Tampa
GK Batchelor Lecturer May 2011
DAMTP Cambridge
Prize Lecture September 2016
14th EUROMECH Fluid Mechanics Conference Seville
Midwest Mechanics Seminar Lecturer 2016 - 2017
Closing Lecture August 2020+1
ICTAM 2020+1 Milano
Scientific Panels and Boards (selected list)
Physical and Engineering Sciences (PESC) 2003-2008
European Science Foundation (ESF) Strasbourg
Board of Electors for the GI Taylor Professorship 2009 and 2011
DAMTP (University of Cambridge) Cambridge
Fluid and Reactive Media Section 10 2008-2012
National Committee of Scientific Research
Fellowship Committee 2009-2010
Division of Fluid Dynamics of the APS USA
Member-at-Large of the Executive Committee 2009-2012
Division of Fluid Dynamics of the APS USA
Fluid Dynamics Prize Selection Committee 2011-2012
Division of Fluid Dynamics of the APS USA
Administration Board 2012-2016
Aix-Marseille University France
Scientific Advisory Board 2014-2019
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and
Batchelor Prize Selection Committee 2016
Strategic Research Review of Mathematics 2017
University of Cambridge UK
Nomination Committee (Chair in 2019) 2018-2019
Division of Fluid Dynamics of the APS USA
Scientific Board of the Engineering Science
CNRS Paris
Euromech Fluid Mechanics Prize and Fellows
Euromech Europe
Fluid Mechanics Panel 2018-2024
Congres Committee 2020-2024
Conferences (selected list)
Chair of Mobile Particulate Systems July 1994
NATO School Cargèse, France
Co-Chair of Fluid Mechanics of Suspension August 2004
ICTAM04 Warsaw, Poland
Co-Chair of Low Reynolds Number Flow August 2008
ICTAM08 Adelaide, Australia
Co-Chair of Multiphase continuum modeling of
particulate flows
December 2015
IUTAM Symposium Gainesville, Florida
Co-Chair of Low Reynolds Number Flow August 2016
ICTAM16 Montréal, Canada
Mentoring and Teaching
Advisor of 20 PhD students and supervisor of 9 postdoctoral fellows.
Undergraduate level courses at ESPCI Paris (Hydrodynamics), Polytech'Marseille (Rheology), École
Polytechnique (Hydrodynamics, Microhydrodynamics, Complex Fluids) and graduate level courses
on Suspension Dynamics at Universities of Paris and Aix-Marseille.
Publications indexed by Google Scholar
March 2021