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Riccardo Dalla Favera
Professor of Pathology & Cell Biology, Genetics & Development, and Micro - biology & Immunology, Columbia University, New York
- s.s. eletto il 15 luglio 2021.
National Cancer Institute, USA, Fogarty Visiting Fellow (1978-1983) Genetica del cancro
Universita' di Milano, Italia, Specializzazione in Ematologia (1980) Ematologia clinica
Universita' di Milano, Italia, Laurea in Medicina e Chrurgia (110/110 e Lode) (1976) Genetica del cancro
Carriera Scientifica e Incarichi Accademici1983-1987 Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, New York University School of Medicine
1987-1989 Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, New York University School of Medicine
1989-1991 Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Columbia University
1991- Professor, Department of Pathology, Columbia Univ., College of Physicians & Surgeons
1992- Professor, Department of Genetics & Development, Columbia University
1992- Joanne and Percy Uris Professor of Clinical Medicine, Columbia University
1999- Director, Institute for Cancer Genetics, Columbia University
2003-2008 Professore Ordinario di Patologia Generale (chiamata per Chiara Fama), Universita' di Padova
2005-2011 Director, Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center, Columbia University
2011- Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Columbia University
Maggiori Premi e Riconoscimenti
2005 Outstanding Achievement Award, American-Italian Cancer Foundation
2006 William Dameshek Prize, American Society of Hematology
2010 Member, National Academy of Medicine, U.S.A.
2012 Alfred Knudson Award, National Cancer Institute
2015 Burkitt Medal Award, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
2015 Member, National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A.
2017 GHA Clowes Memorial Award, American Association for Cancer Research
2017 The ARC Foundation Leopold Griffuel Award in Basic Research, Paris, France
Maggiori finanziamenti per attivita' di ricerca ottenuti negli ultimi 5 anni come coordinatore (PI)
2016-2023 Outstanding Investigator Award , National Cancer Institute, USA ($ 800.000/year)
Selezione delle pubblicazioni scientifiche (totale >300; h-index: 140)
1. Gellman, E.P., Psallidopoulos, M.C., Papas, T.S., and Dalla-Favera, R. Identification of reciprocal translocation points within
the c-myc and immunoglobulin loci in a Burkitt lymphoma. Nature 306:799-803, 1983.
2. Ye, B.H., Lista, F., LoCoco, F., Knowles, D.M., Offit, K., Chaganti, R.S.K., Dalla-Favera, R. Alterations of a Zinc-Finger
Encoding Gene, BCL-6, in Diffuse Large-Cell Lymphoma. Science 262:747-750, 1993.
3. Pasqualucci, L., Neumeister, P., Goossens, T., Gouri, N., Chaganti, RSK., Küppers, R., Dalla-Favera, R. Hypermutation of
multiple proto-oncogenes in B-Cell Diffuse Large Cell Lymphoma. Nature 19:341-346, 2001.
4. Pasqualucci, L., Dominguez-Sola, D., Chiarenza, A., Fabbri, G., Grunn, A., Trifonov, V., Kasper, L.H., Lerach, S., Tang, H.,
Ma, J., Rossi, D., Chadburn, A., Vundavalli, V., Murty, Mullighan, C.G., Gaidano, G., Rabadan, R., Brindle, P.K., Dalla-Favera,
R. Inactivating mutations of acetyltransferase genes in B-cell lymphoma. Nature 471:189-95, 2011
5. Ying, C.Y., Dominguez-Sola, D., Fabi, M., Lorenz, I.C., Hussein, S., Bansal, M., Califano, A., Pasqualucci, L., Basso, K., and
Dalla-Favera, R. (2013). MEF2B mutations lead to deregulated expression of the oncogene BCL6 in diffuse large B cell
lymphoma. Nature Immunology 14, 1084-1092.
6. Brescia, P., Schneider, C., Holmes, A.H.; Shen, Q., Hussein S., Pasqualucci L., Basso K., and Dalla-Favera, R. (2018). MEF2B
instructs germinal center development and acts as an oncogene in B cell lymphomagenesis. Cancer Cell 34, 453-465.
7. Scuoppo, C, Wang, J, Basso, K, Pasqualucci,, L, Rabadan R, Inghirami, G, Grandori C, Bosch F, Dalla-Favera R (2019).
Repurposing dasatinib for diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Proc.Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 20, 16981-16986.
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