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Nicola Di Cosmo

Nicola Di Cosmo
Professor of East Asian Studies - Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton

- s.c.n.r. eletto il 13 giugno 2022

1982 Laurea in Lingue e Letterature Orientali. Universit¡à degli Studi di Venezia "Ca' Foscari"
1991 Ph.D. in Studi Uralo-Altaici. Department of Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana University.
1992 MA Status, Cambridge University, UK.

2003-presente Henry Luce Foundation Professor of East Asian Studies, School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study.
1999-2003:‏ University of Canterbury, Christchurch (New Zealand): Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Chinese History, 
1993-99: Harvard University, Assistant/Associate Professor of Chinese and Inner Asian 
1989-92: Cambridge University. Research Fellow, Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit. 
1992-93: Indiana University. Visiting Lecturer, Department of Central Eurasian Studies. 

2019-2022 Tang Research Foundation, finanziamento per attività di ricerca ($360,000)
20016, May Visiting Professor, École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris
2015, Jan.-May New York University- Shanghai, Visiting Professor
2012-2016 National Science Foundation, finanziamento del progetto "Pluvials, Droughts, Energetics, and the Mongol Empire" (Co-P.I.). $1,394,398.00
2009 Jan-Aug. Visiting Fellowship. Research Institute for the Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
2001-2003 New Zealand Royal Society (Marsden Fund). Finanziamento del progetto:"Military Culture in Chinese History" (NZ$250,000).
1999 Member, Institute of Advanced Study, School of Historical Studies, (Spring term)
1995 Harvard University: Milton Fund grant. Finanziamento di ricerca in Xinjiang, PRC
1993 Indiana University, Bloomington, Rockefeller in Inner Asian Studies. 
1992 Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, Finanziamento per ricerca (studi mancesi)
1990 Center for Chinese Studies, Taipei (RoC): Fondi di ricerca (dottorato)
1988 IsMEO: Fondi di ricerca (Research Institute of Asian and African Cultures, Tokyo).
1984-88 Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione: Borsa di studio per studi all'estero

Membro di comitati editoriali (correnti)  
Riviste: Asia Major; Journal of Chinese Military History; Inner Asia; Vulcan: the Journal for the Social History of Military Technology; Archiv Orientalny; Ming Qing Yanjiu
Case Editrici: Oxford University Press, (Series Editor) Edinburgh University Press (Series Editor).
Posizioni presso altre università (correnti):  Visiting Professor, Princeton University; Senior Fellow, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (New York University); Visiting Professor, Columbia University.



Di Cosmo, Fassin e Pinaud (eds). Rebel Economies: Warlords, Insurgents, Humanitarians. Lexington Books

Di Cosmo e Maas (eds) Empires and Exchanges in Eurasian Late Antiquity, Rome, China, Iran, and the Steppe, ca. 250-750. Cambridge University Press.

Di Cosmo (ed.) Military Culture in Imperial China. Harvard University Press

Di Cosmo, Golden e Frank (Eds) The Cambridge History of Inner Asia: The Chinggisid Age. Co-edited with Peter B. Golden and Allen Frank. Cambridge University Press.

Diary of a Manchu Soldier in Seventeenth-Century China. Curzon Press

Di Cosmo e Dalizhabu Bao. A Documentary History of Manchu-Mongol Relations (1616-1626), Brill 

Di Cosmo e Wyatt (Eds) Political Frontiers, Ethnic Boundaries and Human Geographies in Chinese History. Routledge

Di Cosmo (ed.) Warfare in Inner Asian History (500-1800). Brill.

Di Cosmo Ancient China and Its Enemies: The Rise of Nomadic Power in East Asian History. Cambridge University Press. (Traduzioni in cinese e coreano.)

Stary, Pang, Pozzi, e Di Cosmo On the Tracks of Manchu Culture 1644-1994: 350 Years after the Conquest of Peking.. Harrassowitz, 1995.

Di Cosmo. Reports from the Northwest: A Selection of Manchu Memorials from Kashgar (1806-1807). Bloomington: Indiana University Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies


Between Lapis and Jade: Ancient Cultures of Central Asia. Co-edited with Fredrik T. Hiebert, eds.  Monographic issue of Anthropology and Archaeology of Eurasia 34.4, 1996.


Di Cosmo, N. Wagner, S. and Büntgen, U., "Climate and Environmental Context of The Mongol Invasion of Syria and Defeat at 'Ayn Jālūt (1258-1260 CE)". Erdkunde Vol. 75 No. 2 , pp. 87-104

"L'hypothèse climatique." L'Histoire n. 483 (May 2021): 44-45

"The War Economy of Nomadic Empires". In Rebel Economies: Warlords, Insurgents, Humanitarians.  Edited by Nicola Di Cosmo; Didier Fassin and Clémence Pinaud. Lexington Books, 2021.

"Violence in Inner Asian History." In The Cambridge World History of Violence. Vol II 500-1500 CE. Ed. by Matthew S. Gordon, Richard W. Kaeuper, Harriet Zurndorfer, pp. 1-37.

"The 'Birth'of the Silk Road Between Ecological Frontiers and Military Innovation."  In J. Lerner and Y. Shi, Eds., Silk Roads: From Local Realities to Global Narratives (2020): 11-20.

Di Cosmo et al.  "Climate and Socio-Economic Complexity in the Expansion and Collapse of the Uyghur Empire (744-840 CE)" Journal of Interdisciplinary History, XLVIII :4 (Spring, 2018), 439- 463.

"The Relations between China and the Steppe from the Xiongnu to the Turk Empire." In Empires and Exchanges in Eurasian Late Antiquity (2018), pp. 35-53.

"Introduction". Con Michael Maas.  In Empires and Exchanges in Eurasian Late Antiquity (2018), pp. 1-15.

"Maligned Exchanges: The Uyghur-Tang Trade in the Light of Climate Data."  In Texts and Transformations. Essays in Honor of the 75thj Birthday of Victor H Mair.  Edited by Haun Saussy. Cambria Press (2018), pp. 117-136.

Di Cosmo et al. "Interplay of Environmental and Socio-political Factors in the Downfall of the Eastern Türk Empire in 630 CE. Climatic Change  December 2017 (doi.org/10.1007/s10584-017-2111-0)

Shree R.S. Dangal, Hanqin Tian, Chaoqun Lu, Wei Ren, Shufen Panm Jua Yang, Nicola Di Cosmo, Amy Hessl. "Integrating Herbivore Population Dynamics into a Global Land Biosphere Model: Plugging animals into the earth system." Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems.  December 2017 doi: 10.1002/2016MS000904

Büntgen, Ulf, Ólafur Eggertsson, Lukas Wacker, Michael Sigl, Fredrik Charpentier Ljungqvist, Nicola Di Cosmo, Gill Plunkett10, Paul J. Krusic, Timothy P. Newfield, Jan Esper, Christine Lane, Frederick Reinig, and Clive Oppenheimer. "Multi-proxy dating of Iceland's major pre-settlement Katla eruption to 822-823 CE." Geology, 19 June 2017.

Oppenheimer, C., Wacker, L., Xu, J., Galván, J.D., Stoffel, M., Guillet, S., Corona, C., Sigl, M., Di Cosmo, N., Hajdas, I. and Pan, B., 2017. Multi-proxy dating the 'Millennium Eruption'of Changbaishan to late 946 CE. Quaternary Science Reviews, 158:164-171.

"Nurhaci's Gambit: The concept and praxis of sovereignty in the rise of Manchu power" in The Scaffolding of Sovereignty: Global and Aesthetic Perspectives on the History of a Concept. Edited by Zvi Ben-Dor Benite, Stefanos Geroulanos, and Nicole Jerr.  Columbia University Press, 2017, pp. 102-123.

关于草原帝国历史分析的理论思考 (Theoretical Reflections on the Historical Analysis of Steppe Empires), in 断裂与转型:帝国之后的欧亚历史与史学 - Between Empires: Rupture, Transformation, and Transmission (Shanghai 2017): 1-25.

"Tatari I torgovtsi na chernomorskoi granitse v XIII I XIV vekakh: sobladenie interesob I conflikti." In Zolotaya Orda v mirovoi istorii. The Golden Horde in World History. (Kazan, 2017), pp. 578-598.

Büntgen, U. and Di Cosmo, N., 2016. Climatic and environmental aspects of the Mongol withdrawal from Hungary in 1242 CE. Scientific reports, 6:25606.

Büntgen, U., Myglan, V.S., Ljungqvist, F.C., McCormick, M., Di Cosmo, N., Sigl, M., Jungclaus, J., Wagner, S., Krusic, P.J., Esper, J. and Kaplan, J.O., 2016. Cooling and societal change during the Late Antique Little Ice Age from 536 to around 660 AD. Nature Geoscience.

"The Extension of Ch'ing Rule over Mongolia, Sinkiang, and Tibet, 1630-1800" in The Cambridge History of China 9.2 Ed.  William Pederson (Cambridge 2016): 111-145;

"China-Steppe relations in historical perspective". In Complexity and Interaction along the Eurasian Steppe Zone in the First Millennium CE.  Ed. Jan Bemmann, Michael Schmauder (Bonn 2015): 49-72.

"Why Qara Qorum? Climate and Geography in the Early Mongol Empire." Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi 21 (2014-2015): 67-78.

Pederson, N., Hessl, A.E., Baatarbileg, N., Anchukaitis, K.J. and Di Cosmo, N., 2014. Pluvials, droughts, the Mongol Empire, and modern Mongolia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(12):4375-4379.

A Note on the Formation of the Silk Road as Long Distance Exchange Network" In  ReSilkRoad. Ed. Mehmet Bulut (Istanbul 2014):17-26. 

"Aristocratic Elites in the Xiongnu Empire as Seen from Historical and Archeological Evidence." In Nomad Aristocrats in a World of Empires, Ed. Jürgen Paul (Wiesbaden 2013): 23-53.

"Connecting Maritime and Continental History: The Black Sea Region at the Time of the Mongol Empire" in The Sea: Thalassography and Historiography, ed.  Peter Miller. (University of Michigan Press, 2013).: 174-97.

 "From Alliance to Tutelage: A Historical Analysis of Manchu-Mongol Relations before the Qing Conquest" was published in Frontiers of History in China, 2012.  

"Introduction" in Crossroads Vol. 5: Ethnicity And Sinicization Reconsidered  (April 2012), pp. 5-25.

"La frontiera settentrionale dalle origini all'unificazione imperiale." In La Cina Vol.1.2: Dall'età Del Bronzo all'impero Han. A cura di. Tiziana Lippiello and Maurizio Scarpari (Torino, Einaudi), pp. 263-298.

 "Le frontiere dell'impero Han." In La Cina Vol.1.2: Dall'età Del Bronzo All'impero Han. Eds. Tiziana Lippiello and Maurizio Scarpari (Torino, Einaudi), pp. 299-320.

"Ethnogenesis, Coevolution and Political Morphology of the Earliest Steppe Empire: The Xiongnu Question Revisited" in Xiongnu Archaeology: Multidisciplinary Perspectives of the First Steppe Empire in Inner Asia, ed. Ursula Brosseder and Bryuan K. Miller, (Bonn, 2011): 35-48.
Neiya shi shang de guojia xingxheng yu jieduanhua 内亚史上的国家形成与阶段划 (Transl. of " State Formation and Periodization in Inner Asian History") in Xifang Zhongguo shi yanjiu (Western Studies on Chinese History) ed. Leo K. Shin, Beijing 2011.

 "The Manchu Conquest in World-Historical Perspective: A Note on Trade and Silver." In Journal of Central Eurasian Studies 1, 2010 (Seoul, Korea): 43-60.

"Black Sea Emporia and the Mongol Empire: a Reassessment of the Pax Mongolica," in Empires and Emporia: The Orient in World Historical Space and Time, Jubilee issue ed. Jos Gommans, Journal of they Social and Economic History of the Orient  53.1-2 (2010): 83-108.

"Nurhaci's Names," in Representing Power in Ancient Inner Asia: Legitimacy, Transmission and the Sacred, ed. Isabelle Charleux et al. (Bellingham: Western Washington University, 2010): 261-279. 

"Ethnography of the Nomads and "Barbarian" History in Han China" in Intentional History: Spinning Time in Ancient Greece, ed. Lin Foxhall et al. (Stuttgart 2010), pp. 299-325

"Gli imperi nomadi nella storia della Cina imperiale," in La Cina, Vol II: L'età imperiale dai Tre Regni ai Qing.  eds. Mario Sabattini, Maurizio Scarpari (Torino 2010): 219-260.

"La «guerra giusta» nella conquista mancese della Cina." Nuova Rivista Storica, 93.2 (2009): 449-76.

"Impero e Frontiere nella Cina antica: 200 BC-200 AD," in Gli Imperi: dall'antichità all'età contemporanea. Ed. Ruth Ben-Ghiat (Bologna 2009): 93-117.

"Sobre los orígenes de la Gran Muralla," in La construcción del poder en la China antigua, ed. Alicia Relinque Eleta.  Granada: Editorial Universidad de Granada, (2009), pp. 141-154.

"The Qing and Inner Asia: 1636-1800," in The Cambridge History of Inner Asia: The Chinggisid Age, eds. Nicola Di Cosmo, Peter B. Golden, and Allen J. Frank. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, (2009): 333-362.
"Han Frontiers: Towards an Integrated View," Journal of the American Oriental Society 129.2 (2009): 1-16.

"La Cina, i nomadi e i mercanti," in Cina: alla Corte degli Imperatori. Capolavori mai visti dalla tradizione Han all'eleganza Tang (25-907), ed. Sabrina Rastelli. Firenze: Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi (2008), pp. 53-59. 

"Marital Politics on the Manchu-Mongol Frontier in the Early Seventeenth Century," in The Chinese State at the Borders, ed. Diana Lary. Vancouver: UBC Press (2007), pp. 57-73.

"Liao History and Society," in Gilded Splendor: Treasures of China's Liao Empire (907-1125), ed. Hsueh-man Shen. New York: Asia Society (2006), pp. 15-23.

"Competing Strategies of Great Khan Legitimacy in the Context of the Chaqar-Manchu Wars (c. 1620-1634)," in Imperial Statecraft: Political forms and techniques of governance in Inner Asia, Sixth-Twentieth Centuries, ed. David Sneath. Washington: Western Washington University, (2006), pp. 245-263. 

"Circostanze e limiti dell'espansione veneziana in Oriente nel Trecento," in Venezia, l'altro e l'altrove, ed. Susanne Winter. Roma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, (2006), pp. 1-22.

"A Note on the Authorship of Dzengšeo's Beye-i cooha bade yabuha babe ejehe bithe," in Tumen jalafun jecen akū: Manchu Studies in Honour of Giovanni Stary, eds. Alessandra Pozzi, Juha Antero Janhunen, and Michael Weiers. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag (2006), pp. 73-78.

"Venice, Genoa, the Golden Horde, and the Limits of European Expansion in Asia," in Il Codice Cumanico e il Suo Mondo, eds. Peter Schreiner and Felicitas Schmieder. Roma: Storia e Letteratura (2005), pp. 279-296. 

"Mongols and Merchants on the Black Sea Frontier (13th-14th c.): Convergences and Conflicts," in Turco-Mongol Nomads and Sedentary Societies, eds. Reuven Amitai and Michal Biran. Leiden: Brill, (2005), pp. 391-424.

"Did Guns Matter? Firearms and the Qing Formation," in The Qing Formation in World-Historical Time, ed. Lynn Struve. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, (2004), pp. 121-166. Chinese translation: "Yu qiangpao he gan? Huoqi yu Qing diguo de xingcheng  与枪炮何干?火器和清 帝国的形成  in Shijie shijian yu Dongya shijian zhong de Ming Qing bianqian 世界时间与东亚 时间 中的明清变迁 (World Historical and East Asian times in the Ming-Qing Transition) ed. Lynn Struve (2009): II, 152-207.

"Kirghiz Nomads on the Qing Frontier: Tribute, Trade, or Gift-Exchange?" in Political Frontiers, Ethnic Boundaries and Human Geographies in Chinese History, ed. Nicola Di Cosmo and Don J. Wyatt. London: RoutledgeCurzon, (2003), pp. 351-72. 

"Military Aspects of the Manchu Wars Against the Čaqars," in Inner Asian Warfare (500-1800), ed. Nicola Di Cosmo. Leiden: Brill, (2002), pp. 337-67.

"Introduction: Inner Asian Ways of Warfare in Historical Perspective," in Inner Asian Warfare (500-1800), ed. Nicola Di Cosmo. Leiden: Brill, (2002), pp. 1-29.

"European Technology and Manchu Power: Reflections on the 'Military Revolution' in Seventeenth-Century China," in Making Sense of Global History, ed. Sølvi Sogner.  Oslo: University Press, (2001), pp. 119-39.

"Ancient City-States of the Tarim Basin," in A Comparative Study of Thirty City-State Cultures, ed. Mogens Herman Hansen. Copenhagen: Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, (2000), pp. 393-407.

"State Formation and Periodization in Inner Asian History." Journal of World History 10.1 (Spring 1999): 1-40. (Chinese translation: "Neiya shi shang de guojia xingxheng yu jieduanhua 内亚史上的国家形成与阶段划" in Xifang Zhongguo shi yanjiu (Western Studies on Chinese History) ed. Leo K. Shin (2011).

"Qing Colonial Administration in Inner Asia." The International History Review 20.2 (1998): 287 309.

"The Northern Frontier in Pre Imperial China," in The Cambridge History of Ancient China, ed. Michael Loewe and Edward L. Shaughnessy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, (1999), pp. 885-966.

"Manchu Shamanic Ceremonies at the Qing Court," in State and Court Ritual in China, ed. Joseph P. McDermott. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, (1999), pp. 352-98.

"A Set of Manchu Documents Concerning a Khokand Mission to Kashgar (1807)." Central Asiatic Journal 41.2 (1997): 159-99.

"Ancient Xinjiang Between Central Asia and China." Anthropology & Archeology of Eurasia 34.4 (1996): 87 101.

"Das Konchu mun'gyon rok des Yi Minhwan," in Materialen zur Vorgeschichte der Qing-Dynastie, ed. Giovanni Stary. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, (1996), pp. 10-22.

"Ancient Inner Asian Nomads: Their Economic Basis and Its Significance in Chinese History." The Journal of Asian Studies 53.4 (1994): 1092 1126.

"Alcune osservazioni sull'accento mancese." Aetas Manjurica 1 (1987): 1 15.

"Mongolian Topics in the U.S. Military Intelligence Reports." Mongolian Studies 10 (1986):96 107.

"I rapporti tra Stati Uniti e Cina (1944 1949) nella storiografia americana." Rivista di storia contemporanea 13. 4 (October 1984): 578 605. 

"Due messaggi sacrificali dei Jin Posteriori." Cina 18 (1982), pp. 117 129.


"The Origins of the Great Wall." The Silk Road, 4.1 (2006), pp. 14-19. 

"La guerra nella storia cinese." Palomar 4 (2001), pp. 24-32.

"Technology and Manchu Power: Reflections on the 'Military Revolution' in Seventeenth-Century China." [Abstract only] Proceedings of the the 19th International Congress of Historical Sciences (Oslo 6-13 August, 2000).

"A Manchu Patent in the Oriental Collection of the Newark Museum," in Altaica Osloensia. Proceedings of the 32nd Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference, at Oslo, June 1989, ed. Bernt Brendemoen. Oslo: Norwegian University Press, (1990), pp. 103-112.

"A Note on the Tana Route and International Trade in the 15th Century," in Aspects of Altaic Civilization III. Proceedings of the 30th Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference, at Bloomington, Indiana, USA, June 1987, ed. Denis Sinor. Bloomington: Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies, (1990), pp. 20-32.

"A Russian Envoy to Khiva: the Italian Diary of Florio Beneveni," in Proceedings of the 28th Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference, at Venice, Italy, July 1985, ed. Giovanni Stary.  Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, (1989), pp. 73 114.

"A Manchu Fragment on the Medical Treatment Given by the Italian Jesuit Giovanni Giuseppe Da Costa to Yin ssu, Eighth Son of K'ang hsi," in Religious and Lay Symbolism in the Altaic World and Other Papers. Proceedings of the 27th Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference, at Walberberg, Germany, June 1984, ed. Klaus Sagaster. Wiesdbaden: Harrassowitz, (1989), pp. 100 108.

(Recensioni e altri contributi omessi.)


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