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Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti - Testata per la stampa

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Ferruccio Feruglio

Ferruccio Feruglio
Professore già ordinario di Fisica teorica nell'Università di Padova

- s.c.r. eletto il 27 giugno 2023

Ferruccio Feruglio è associato all'Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare. Laureatosi a Padova, ha conseguito un master in Fisica presso la SISSA a Trieste e il dottorato in Fisica all' Università di Ginevra. È stato professore ordinario presso l'Università di Padova e membro del Comitato Scientifico dei Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso. Attualmente è membro del collegio editoriale della rivista scientifica SciPost e del Comitato Scientifico della fondazione Angelo della Riccia. Nel contesto della fisica delle interazioni fondamentali, si occupa di fisica oltre il Modello Standard.


University of Padova

University of Padova

University of Padova

CERN, Geneva, Switzerland


University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland — PhD in physics, 1991. Advisor: Prof. Raoul GaQo SISSA, Trieste, Italy --- Master in Physics, 1983. Advisor: Prof. Luciano Girardello
University of Padova, Padova, Italy --- Laurea in Physics, 1982. Advisor: Prof. Giovanni Costa


Physics Beyond the Standard Model The Flavour Problem


122 entries in INSPIRE of which 4 with more than 500 citaXons. Total 12300+ citaXons. h-index 59.


Node Coordinator of NaXonal PRIN Projects:
- Beyond the Standard Model (2004021808_005) (2004-2006) 71.5 kE
- Searching for a Unified Theory in the LHC Era (2006022501_004) (2007-2009) 65.26 kE
- Searching for a Unified Theory in the LHC Era (2008XM9HLM_003) (2010-2012) 53.57 kE
- Symmetries, Masses and Misteries (2010YJ2NYW_003) (2013-2016) 117.59 kE
- Search for the Fundamental Laws and ConsRtuents (2015P5SBHT_003) (2017-2020) 131 kE


- Theory of Fundamental InteracRons (2006-2011)
- Quantum Field Theory I (2009-2014)
- General Physics I (2004-2009, 2015-2018)
- Fundamentals of TheoreRcal Physics (2012-2018)
- Advanced Topics in the Theory of Fundamental InteracRons (2019-2021)
- Modern Physics (2019-2021)


- Alessandro Vicini (now Associate Professor at the University of Milano, Italy)
- Stefano Rigolin (now Full Professor at the University of Padova, Italy)
- Isabella Masina (now Researcher at the University of Ferrara, Italy)
- Carla Biggio (now Researcher at the University of Genova, Italy)
- Maria Laura AlciaX (PhD 2006)
- Luca Merlo (now Ramon y Cajal Researcher at UAM, Madrid, Spain)
- Denise Vicino (PhD 2016)
- Andrea PaQori (PhD 2017)
- Claudia Cornella (PhD 2021)


- member, ``Abilitazione ScienXfica Nazionale'', (2012-2013)
- member, ScienXfic Area CommiQee of Dept. of Physics and Astronomy of Padova (2013-2021)
- member, College of Lecturers of PhD School of Astronomy of Padova (2015-2021)
- member, ScienXfic CommiQee of Gran Sasso NaXonal Laboratory (2014-2017)
- member, Editorial College of SciPost (2017-PRESENT)
- member, ScienXfic CommiQee of the FoundaXon "Angelo Della Riccia" (2021-PRESENT)


- Lectures on ``Consistent Effec,ve Field Theories'' , 29 March - 6 April 2022, within the PhD Program in TheoreXcal Physic, UAM and IFT Madrid, Spain.
- XI series of Majorana Lectures, ``Consistent Effec,ve Field Theories'' ,22-24 February 2022, University of Napoli.
- TheoreXcal Aspects of AstroparXcle Physics, Cosmology and GravitaXon, ``Neutrino Physics'' , 11-22 March 2019 GGI, Arcetri, Florence
- InternaXonal School of AstroparXcle Physics, `` Neutrino masses'', ISAPP 2017, 13-24 June 2017 Arenzano (GE)
- GGI lectures on the Theory of Fundamental InteracXons, lectures on ``Neutrino Physics'', Jan 2015, Firenze, Italy
- INVISIBLES 14 School, lectures on ``Neutrino theory (BSM and phenomenological implica,ons)'' 8-13 Jul 2014 Gif-Sur-YveQe, France
- Summer School and Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond, lectures on ``Flavour Physics'', 3-14 sep 2014, Corfu (Gr)
- 11th Hellenic School and Workshops on Elementary ParXcle Physics and Gravity- 1st School of ITN UnificaXon in the LHC Era, lectures on ``Flavour Physics'', 4-15 sep 2011, Corfu, (Gr)
- 2011 Dual CP InsXtute of High-Enrgy Physics Workshop: Flavor Symmetries, lectures on ``The Flavour Mistery: New and Old Ideas'', 4-14 Jan 2011, Colima, Mexico
- PhD School of Granada University, lectures on ``Aspects of Neutrino Physics'', june 2011, Granada, Spain
- Topical Seminar on FronXer of ParXcle Physics - Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, lectures on
``Neutrino Mass Models'', 17-21 Sep 2008, Beijing (Cina)
- ParXcules Elementaires, GravitaXon et Cosmologie - Le Model Standard et ses Estensions, lectures on ``Neutrino Masses, Mixings and Oscilla,ons'', 14 Mar 2008, College de France, Paris, (Fr)
- 2nd Seminario Nazionale di Fisica Teorica a Parma, lectures on ``The Chiral Approach to The Electroweak Interac,ons'', 1-12 Sep 1992 Parma, Italy
- INFN Schools at Otranto and Catania, Italy.


"The Flavor Puzzle as a Vacuum Problem"
invited plenary talk at the 27th InternaRonal Symposium on ParRcles, Strings and Cosmology, PASCOS 2022, July 25 - 29, 2022
Max Planck InsXtute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany

"Automorphic Forms and Fermion Masses"
invited plenary talk at the 9th Workshop on Flavour Symmetries and Consequences in Accelerators and Cosmology - FLASY 2022, 27 June - 1st July 2022
InsXtuto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal

"Introduc,on to Modular Invariance",
Blackboard lectures with discussion at Neutrinos, Flavour and Beyond, 6-17 June 2022, Villa Orlando, Anacapri.

''Theore,cal Models of Neutrino Masses''
invited plenary talk at the XXX InternaRonal Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics:
NEUTRINO 2022, May 30 - June 4 2022, Virtual Seoul, South Korea

"Modular Invariance in Flavour Physics, a boRom-up perspec,ve" invited talk at the Bethe Forum on Modular Flavor Symmetries May 2 - 6, 2022, Bonn, Germany

''Flavor symmetries: a theory overview''
invited plenary talk at the 28th InternaRonal Workshops on Weak InteracRons and Neutrinos, 7-11 June 2021, Minnesota, USA

''Neutrino Masses and Modular Invariance''

invited talk at Prospects of Neutrino Physics, 8-12 April 2019, Kashiwa (Kavli IMPU), Japan
and 22nd InternaRonal Conference From the Planck Scale to the Electroweak Scale (Planck 2019), 3-7 June 2019, Granada, Spain

``Lepton Flavour Universality''
invited talk at the XII LaRn American Symposium of High Energy Physics, 26-30 November 2018, Lima, Peru

``B-anomalies related to leptons and LFV: new direc,ons in model building''
invited talk at BEAUTY 2018, 6-11 May 2018, Isola d'Elba, Italy

``Are neutrino masses modular forms?''
invited talk at VCES 2017, 30 November - 1 December 2017, Vienna, Austria
and FLASY 2018, 2-5 July 2018, Basel, Switzerland

``On the Importance of ElectroWeak Correc,ons for B-anomalies''
invited talk at SM@LHC, 2-5 May 2017, Amsterdam, NL

``Where are neutrino mass-mixing parameters leading us?'' plenary talk at NOW 2016, 04-11 Sep 2016, Otranto (Lecce), Italy

``Theory of leptonic flavor mixing''
plenary talk at NEUTRINO 2016, 04-09 Jul 2016, London, United Kingdom

``Theore,cal Aspects of Flavor and CP viola,on in the Lepton Sector''
plenary talk at the 27th Rencontres de Blois on ParRcle Physics and Cosmology, 31 May - 5 June 2015, Blois, France

``Theory Perspec,ve on Flavor''
plenary talk at NuPhys2013, 19-20 Dec 2013, London, UK

``Combining Flavor and CP Symmetries''
plenary talk at Discrete 2012, 3-7 Dec 2012, Lisbon, Pt

``Discrete Flavor Symmetries aZer Daya Bay and Reno''
plenary talk at Planck 2012 - From the Planck scale to the EW scale, 28 May - 1st June , 2012- Warsaw, Pl

``Neutrino Masses, Mixings (Theory)''
plenary talk at ICHEP 2006, 26 Jul - 2nd Aug, 2006 Moscow, Russia

``Models of Neutrino Masses and Mixings''
plenary talk at Neutrino 2004, 14-19 Jun 2004, Paris, France

``Extra Dimensions in Par,cle Physics''
plenary talk at 2003 Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP 2003),
17-23 Jul 2003, Aachen, Germany

In Italian: ``Le Asimmetrie'', volume n. 20 collana Lezioni di Fisica, edizioni Corriere della Sera 2019.


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