È Professore Ordinario all'Università degli studi di Torino, Dipartimento Biologia Animale e dell'Uomo.
Nato ad Alba (CN) nel 1943;
svolge ricerca attiva in neuroscienze;
ha interessi su temi evolutivi, neurobiologici, bioetici, di filosofia della scienza, didattica della scienza e museale;
ha esperienze di gestione (Direttore Dipartimento, Presidente CdL Scienze Biologiche, Consigliere di Amministrazione Università di Torino e di Fondazioni, coordinatore progetti 40%, progetti CEE, numerosi comitati scientifici nazionali e locali);
ha ottenuto il Premio GOLGI dall'Accademia dei Lincei;
è socio nazionale dell'Accademia delle Scienze di Torino;
è membro dal 1998 dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei;
è socio corrispondente dell'Istituto veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti (dal 2005);
è vicedirettore della rivista "L'Indice dei libri";
è membro del Senato Accademico dell'Università degli studi di Torino;
ha diretto l'opera collettiva, Dizionario di Biologia (UTET, 2003)
ATTIVITÀ DIDATTICA: (settore disciplinare BIO/06: Anatomia Comparata e Istologia)
Laurea in Scienze Biologiche: Introduzione alla Biologia: fondamenti di Biologia
Laurea in Biotecnologie: Biologia dello sviluppo
Laurea Interfacoltà di comunicazione scientifica: Biologia
Lauree Specialistiche in Scienze Biologiche (Biologia Molecolare): Biologia dello Sviluppo
Laurea Specialistica in Biotecnolgie Molecolari: Biologia dello sviluppo II
ATTIVITÀ DI RICERCA: Gruppo di ricerca in Neurobiologia
PUBBLICAZIONI 1995 - 2005:
Peretto P, Giachino C, Aimar P, Fasolo A, Bonfanti L. - Chain formation and glial tube assembly in the shift from neonatal to adult subventricular zone of the rodent forebrain. J Comp Neurol. 2005 Jul 11;487(4):407-27
Giampietro C, Luzzati F, Gambarotta G, Giacobini P, Boda E, Fasolo A, Perroteau I. - Statnin expression modulates migratory properties of GN-11 neurons in vitro. Endocrinology. 2005 Apr;146(4):1825-34. Epub 2004 Dec 29.
Peretto P., Dati C., De Marchis S., Kim H.H., Ukhanova M., Fasolo A., Margolis F.L. - Expression of the secreted factors noggin and bone morphogenetic proteins in the subependymal layer and olfactory bulb of the adult mouse brain. Neuroscience (2004) Vol 128/4 pp 685-696
Peretto P, Giachino C, Aimar P, Fasolo A, Bonfanti L. - Chain formation and glial tube assembly in the shift from neonatal to adult subventricular zone of the rodent forebrain. J Comp Neurol. 2005 Jul 11;487(4):407-27
Giampietro C, Luzzati F, Gambarotta G, Giacobini P, Boda E, Fasolo A, Perroteau I. - Statnin expression modulates migratory properties of GN-11 neurons in vitro. Endocrinology. 2005 Apr;146(4):1825-34. Epub 2004 Dec 29.
Peretto P., Dati C., De Marchis S., Kim H.H., Ukhanova M., Fasolo A., Margolis F.L. - Expression of the secreted factors noggin and bone morphogenetic proteins in the subependymal layer and olfactory bulb of the adult mouse brain. Neuroscience (2004) Vol 128/4 pp 685-696
De Marchis S, Fasolo A, Puche AC. - Subventricular zone-derived neuronal progenitors migrate into the subcortical forebrain of postnatal mice. J Comp Neurol. 2004 Aug 23;476(3):290-30
Giacobini P, Kopin AS, Beart PM, Mercer LD, Fasolo A, Wray S. - Cholecystokinin modulates migration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone-1 neurons. J Neurosci. 2004 May 19;24(20):4737-48
Mautino B, Dalla Costa L, Gambarotta G, Perroteau I, Fasolo A, Dati C. - Bioactive recombinant neuregulin-1, -2, and -3 expressed in Escherichia coli. Protein Expr Purif. 2004 May;35(1):25-31.
Giachino C, Galbiati M, Fasolo A, Peretto P, Melcangi RC. - Effects of progesterone derivatives, dihydroprogesterone and tetrahydroprogesterone, on the subependymal layer of the adult rat. J Neurobiol. 2004 Mar;58(4):493-502.
Giachino C, Galbiati M, Fasolo A, Peretto P, Melcangi R. - Neurogenesis in the subependymal layer of the adult rat: a role for neuroactive derivatives of progesterone. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2003 Dec;1007:335-9.
Fornaro M, Geuna S, Fasolo A, Giacobini-Robecchi MG. - HuC/D confocal imaging points to olfactory migratory cells as the first cell population that expresses a post-mitotic neuronal phenotype in the chick embryo. Neuroscience. 2003;122(1):123-8.
Luzzati F, Peretto P, Aimar P, Ponti G, Fasolo A, Bonfanti L. - Glia-independent chains of neuroblasts through the subcortical parenchyma of the adult rabbit brain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Oct 28;100(22):13036-41. Epub 2003 Oct 14.
Grumolato L, Louiset E, Alexandre D, Ait-Ali D, Turquier V, Fournier A, Fasolo A, Vaudry H, Anouar Y- PACAP and NGF regulate common and distinct traits of the sympathoadrenal lineage: effects on electrical properties, gene markers and transcription factors in differentiating PC12 cells. Eur J Neurosci 2003 Jan;17(1):71-82
Peretto P, Cummings D, Modena C, Behrens M, Venkatraman G, Fasolo A, Margolis FL. - BMP mRNA and protein expression in the developing mouse olfactory system. J Comp Neurol 2002 Sep 23;451(3):267-78
Giacobini P, Giampietro C, Fioretto M, Maggi R, Cariboni A, Perroteau I, Fasolo A. - Hepatocyte Growth Factor/Scatter Factor Facilitates Migration of GN-11 Immortalized LHRH Neurons.Endocrinology 2002 Sep;143(9):3306-15
Fasolo A, Peretto P, Bonfanti L. - Cell migration in the rostral migratory stream. Chem Senses 2002 Jul;27(6):581-2
De Marchis S, Fasolo A, Shipley M, Puche A. - Unique neuronal tracers show migration and differentiation of SVZ progenitors in organotypic slices. J Neurobiol 2001 Dec;49(4):326-338
Peretto P, Giachino C, Panzica GC, Fasolo A. - Sexually dimorphic neurogenesis is topographically matched with the anterior accessory olfactory bulb of the adult rat. Cell Tissue Res 2001 Dec;306(3):385-389
Fornaro M, Geuna S, Fasolo A, Giacobini-Robecchi MG. - Evidence of very early neuronal migration from the olfactory placode of the chick embryo. Neuroscience 2001;107(2):191-7
Oberto M, Soncin I, Bovolin P, Voyron S, De Bortoli M, Dati C, Fasolo A, Perroteau I. - ErbB-4 and neuregulin expression in the adult mouse olfactory bulb after peripheral denervation. Eur J Neurosci 2001 Aug;14(3):513-521
Camoletto P, Colesanti A, Ozon S, Sobel A, Fasolo A. - Expression of stathmin and SCG10 proteins in the olfactory neurogenesis during development and after lesion in the adulthood. Brain Res Bull 2001 Jan 1;54(1):19-28
Peretto P, Luzzati F, Bonfanti L, De Marchis S, Fasolo A - Aminoacyl-histidine dipeptides in the glial cells of the adult rabbit forebrain*(,1)(1). Peptides 2000 Nov 1;21(11):1717-1724
Giacobini P, Benedetto A, Tirindelli R, Fasolo A - Proliferation and migration of receptor neurons in the vomeronasal organ of the adult mouse. Brain Res Dev Brain Res 2000 Sep 30;123(1):33-40
De Marchis S, Modena C, Peretto P, Giffard C, Fasolo A -Carnosine-like immunoreactivity in the central nervous system of rats during postnatal development. J Comp Neurol 2000 Oct 23;426(3):378-390
De Marchis SD, Modena C, Peretto P, Migheli A, Margolis FL, Fasolo A -Carnosine-Related Dipeptides in Neurons and Glia. Biochemistry (Mosc) 2000 Jul;65(7):824-833
Bonfanti L, Peretto P, De Marchis S, Fasolo A -Carnosine-related dipeptides in the mammalian brain.Prog Neurobiol 1999 Nov;59(4):333-53
Peretto P, Merighi A, Fasolo A, Bonfanti L - The subependymal layer in rodents: a site of structural plasticity and cell migration in the adult mammalian brain. Brain Res Bull 1999 Jul 1;49(4):221-43
Perroteau I, Oberto M, Soncin I, Voyron S, de Bortoli M, Bovolin P, Fasolo A - Transregulation of erbB expression in the mouse olfactory bulb. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-Le-Grand) 1999 May;45(3):293-30
Voyron S, Giacobini P, Tarozzo G, Cappello P, Perroteau I, Fasolo A - Apoptosis in the development of the mouse olfactory epithelium. Brain Res Dev Brain Res 1999 Jun 8;115(11
Cappello P, Tarozzo G, Benedetto A, Fasolo A - Proliferation and apoptosis in the mouse vomeronasal organ during ontogeny. Neurosci Lett 1999 Apr 30;266(1):37-40
Quaglino E, Giustetto M, Panzanelli P, Cantino D, Fasolo A, Sassoe-Pognetto M - Immunocytochemical localization of glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid in the accessory olfactory bulb of the rat. J Comp Neurol 1999 May 24;408(1):61-72
Bovolin P, Franzoni MF, Fasolo A. - Cytochemistry of neurotransmitters: from statical analysis to the understanding of dynamic processes. Eur J Histochem. 1998;42 Spec No:55-62.
Perroteau I, Oberto M, Ieraci A, Bovolin P, Fasolo A. - ErbB-3 and ErbB-4 expression in the mouse olfactory system. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1998 Nov 30;855:255-9.
Tarozzo G, Cappello P, De Andrea M, Walters E, Margolis FL, Oestreicher B, Fasolo A. - Prenatal differentiation of mouse vomeronasal neurones. Eur J Neurosci. 1998 Jan;10(1):392-6.
Casabona G, Catania MV, Storto M, Ferraris N, Perroteau I, Fasolo A, Nicoletti F, Bovolin P. - Deafferentation up-regulates the expression of the mGlu1a metabotropic glutamate receptor protein in the olfactory bulb. Eur J Neurosci. 1998 Feb;10(2):771-6
De Marchis S, Lecomte M, Franzoni MF, Maritano P, Campantico E, Ferri GL, Fasolo A. - VGF-like immunoreactivity in amphibian hypothalamo-hypophysial system. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1998 May 15;839:442-3
Franzoni MF, Jansen K, Feuilloley M, Vaudry H, Fasolo A. - Analysis of the projections to amphibian pars intermedia by combined tract tracing, immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1998 May 15;839:351-2.
Tarozzo G, De Andrea M, Feuilloley M, Vaudry H, Fasolo A. - Molecular and cellular guidance of neuronal migration in the developing olfactory system of rodents. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1998 May 15;839:196-200
Peretto P, Bonfanti L, Merighi A, Fasolo A. - Carnosine-like immunoreactivity in astrocytes of the glial tubes and in newly-generated cells within the tangential part of the rostral migratory stream of rodents. Neuroscience. 1998 Jul;85(2):527-42.
Kodjo MK, Desrues L, Lavagno L, Fasolo A, Conlon JM, Tonon MC, Vaudry H. - Ranakinin, a naturally occurring tachykinin, stimulates phospholipase C activity in the frog adrenal gland. Endocrinology. 1998 Feb;139(2):505-12
De Marchis S, Melcangi RC, Modena C, Cavaretta I, Peretto P, Agresti C, Fasolo A. - Identification of the glial cell types containing carnosine-related peptides in the rat brain. Neurosci Lett. 1997 Nov 14;237(1):37-40.
Camoletto P, Peretto P, Bonfanti L, Manceau V, Sobel A, Fasolo A. - The cytosolic phosphoprotein stathmin is expressed in the olfactory system of the adult rat. Neuroreport. 1997 Sep 8;8(13):2825-9.
Bonfanti L, Peretto P, Merighi A, Fasolo A - Newly-generated cells from the rostral migratory stream in the accessory olfactory bulb of the adult rat.
Neuroscience. 1997 Nov;81(2):489-502.
Ferraris N, Perroteau I, De Marchis S, Fasolo A, Bovolin P. - Glutamatergic deafferentation of olfactory bulb modulates the expression of mGluR1a mRNA. Neuroreport. 1997 May 27;8(8):1949-53.
Giustetto M, Bovolin P, Fasolo A, Bonino M, Cantino D, Sassoe-Pognetto M. - Glutamate receptors in the olfactory bulb synaptic circuitry: heterogeneity and synaptic localization of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit 1 and AMPA receptor subunit 1. Neuroscience. 1997 Feb;76(3):787-98
Jansen K, Fabro C, Artero C, Feuilloley M, Vaudry H, Fasolo A, Franzoni MF - Characterization of pars intermedia connections in amphibians by biocytin tract tracing and immunofluorescence aided by confocal microscopy. Cell Tissue Res. 1997 Feb;287(2):297-304
Peretto P, Merighi A, Fasolo A, Bonfanti L - Glial tubes in the rostral migratory stream of the adult rat. Brain Res Bull. 1997;42(1):9-21
Barale E, Fasolo A, Girardi E, Artero C, Franzoni MF. - Immunohistochemical investigation of gamma-aminobutyric acid ontogeny and transient expression in the central nervous system of Xenopus laevis tadpoles. J Comp Neurol. 1996 Apr 29;368(2):285-94
Tolosano E, Cutufia MA, Hirsch E, Stefanuto G, Voyron S, Fasolo A, Silengo L, Altruda F - Ciliary neurotrophic factor constitutively expressed in the nervous system of transgenic mice protects embryonic dorsal root ganglion neurons from apoptosis. Eur J Neurosci. 1996 Mar;8(3):521-9
Lesouhaitier O, Feuilloley M, Lihrmann I, Ugo I, Fasolo A, Tonon MC, Vaudry H - Localization of diazepam-binding inhibitor-related peptides and peripheral type benzodiazepine receptors in the frog adrenal gland. Cell Tissue Res. 1996 Mar;283(3):403-12
Collin F, Chartrel N, Fasolo A, Conlon JM, Vandesande F, Vaudry H - Distribution of two molecular forms of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in the central nervous system of the frog Rana ridibunda Brain Res. 1995 Dec 12;703(1-2):111-28
Tarozzo G, Peretto P, Biffo S, Varga Z, Nicholls JG, Fasolo A - Development and migration of olfactory neurones in the nervous system of the neonatal opossum. Proc Biol Sci. 1995 Oct 23;262(1363):95-101
Tarozzo G, Peretto P, Fasolo A - Cell migration from the olfactory placode and the ontogeny of the neuroendocrine compartments. Zoolog Sci. 1995 Aug;12(4):367-83
Lesouhaitier O, Esneu M, Kodjo MK, Hamel C, Contesse V, Yon L, Remy-Jouet I, Fasolo A, Fournier A, Vandesande F, et al. - Neuroendocrine communication in the frog adrenal gland. Zoolog Sci. 1995 Jun;12(3):255-64
Battaglia AA, Feuilloley M, Mulatero B, Beltramo M, Thibault J, Franzoni MF, Calas A, Vaudry H, Fasolo A - Confocal microscopy analysis of NPY and TH immunoreactivities in the hypothalamo-hypophysial system of the frog. Neuroreport. 1995 Mar 7;6(4):645-9
Aste N, Viglietti-Panzica C, Fasolo A, Panzica GC. - Mapping of neurochemical markers in quail central nervous system: VIP- and SP-like immunoreactivity. J Chem Neuroanat. 1995 Feb;8(2):87-102