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Bernardo Cesare
Professore ordinario di Petrologia e Petrografia nell'Università di Padova
- s.c.r. 27 maggio 2008, s.e. 30 aprile 2015
Date of birth: 12.08.1963 at Chirignago, Venice, Italian national. Married, two daughters.
2011 Professor of Petrography and Petrology, University of Padua, Italy (UniPD)
1993 Lecturer in Petrography, UniPD
1992 PhD in Earth Sciences, UniPD
1987 Degree cum laude in Geological Sciences, University of Padua (UniPD)
1997: 2 months at C.N.R.S., Clermont-Ferrand (France)
1993: 3 months at Dept. Geol. Geophys. Sci., Princeton, NJ (USA)
1990-1991: 7 months stay at ETH-Zurich (CH)
The research activity of Bernardo Cesare concentrates on:
- Metamorphic Petrology
- Low-Pressure - High-Temperature metamorphism and anatexis of metapelites
- Melt inclusions (Nanogranites) in anatectic metapelites
- Fluid inclusion studies and fluid-rock interactions during partial melting of graphitic pelites
- Petrologic Mineralogy: studies on garnet, biotite, Al2SiO5 polymorphs, cordierite, staurolite and graphite
- Alpine Pressure-Temperature evolution and geochronology in the rocks south of the Tauern Window
- Geology and geochronology in the Eastern Alps (Italy) and in the Betic Cordillera (Spain)
>90 papers (>40 as first author), 87 of which in Scopus, h-index: 37, >4100 citations
3 volumes as (co)Editor
Seminars at: Stockholm (2023), Heidelberg, D (2022), Catania (2021), Bern, CH (2020), Potsdam, D (2010), Pavia (2019) Open University, UK (2019), Cambridge, UK (2019), Niigata, JP (2019), Modena (2018), Budapest, HU (2017), Monaco, D (2016); Portsmouth, UK (2016); NHM London, UK (2014); MHN Paris, F (2014), Boulder, CO (2014); UPMC Paris, F (2013); Curtin, Perth, AU (2012); Univ. Maryland, MD (2011); Princeton, NJ (2011), Berlin, D (2002, 2010), Granada, ES (2001, 2006, 2011), ETH-Zurich, CH (2002, 2007, 2012).
Talks at GSA (2006); AGU (2006); GSA (2009); IMA (2010); Goldschmidt (2012, 2014); G&G (2013); MinPet (2013, keynote); DMGV (Tubingen, D, 2013, Plenary); EGU (2014); G&G (Ullapool, UK, 2018, keynote); JSPS-DST (Niigata, Japan, 2019, keynote), Microscopy Conference 2021 (Vienna, A, 2021).
Coordinator or P.I. of projects:
- Crustal Anatexis in Nature and Experiments, (1998-2000) UniPD
- Subsolidus processes in rocks and materials (1999-2001) C.N.R.
- Crustal Melting in the thinned margin of the Alboràn basin (2004-2006) C.N.R. through ESF
- Petrologic study of fluid-melt-rock interactions during the anatexis of graphitic metapelites (2005-2007) MIUR
- Crustal Anatexis: Natural evidence, Experiments and Modelling (2008-2010) MIUR
- Geodynamic and geochemical control on magma genesis and differentiation (2012-2015) MIUR
- Il metamorfismo di HP/UHP e HT in Antartide. PNRA (2015-2016)
- MAKEARTH. Ca.Ri.Pa.Ro. (2016-2018)
- Nanogranite. Marie Curie IOF funded by EC (2016-2018)
- 3D reconstruction of the shape of solid inclusions in garnet (2019) TOMCAT SLS beamtime funded by PSI (CH)
- The Dynamic Mass Transfer from Slabs to Arcs - Dynastars (2018-2021) funded by MIUR-PRIN
- Uncovering and mapping silica crystallinity in diatom frustules: biological interpretation and physical implications (2022) Micro-XAS SLS beamtime funded by PSI (CH)
- Nano-focus on metamorphic garnet - NanoMeGa (2023-2025) funded by MIUR-PRIN
- Emissions and sources of gases with environmental impact - STEAM (2024-2026) funded by UniPD
Prize "Oxilia", SGI, 1989-1990
Prize "Bianchi", Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia 1994-1995
Prize "Tartufari", Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 2012
Fellow, Geological Society of America, 2013
Fellow, Mineralogical Society of America, 2017
Fellow, Royal Photographic Society, 2017
Member, Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere e Arti, from 2008
Member, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, from 2022
Member, Academia Europaea, from 2023
Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia; Società Geologica Italiana; Mineralogical Society of America; Geological Society of America; European Union of Geosciences; Royal Microscopical Society, Royal Photographic Society
President, SIMP (2014-2015)
Member, APC, GSA (2013-2016)
Member, Urey Award Committee, EAG (2014-2017)
Member, MSA Award Committee, MSA (2018-2020)
Member, The Barrow Award judging panel, MSG (2020)
Member, Review panel for Earth Sciences, University of Uppsala, Sweden (2024)
(co)Chair of Meetings:
- EMC2016; SIMP-SGI-AIV-SoGeI, 2015; SIMP-SGI, 2014
Member of the Scientific Committeee:
- Granulites and Granulites (2024), Xth Hutton Symposium (2023), SIMP-SGI-AIV-SoGeI, (2023)
co-Convenor of symposia, sessions and and workshops:
- EMC2020; GSA 2015, 2016; Goldschmidt 2013; IGC 2012; Frontiers in Mineral Sciences 2007; IGC, 2004; EUG10, 1999.
Editor of Journal of Metamorphic Geology (2019- )
Member of the Editorial Review Board of JMG (2006-2018)
Associate Editor of EJM (2013- 2018)
Member of the Executive Committee, Elements (2012-2013)
Member of the Editorial Board of Per. Mineralogia (2004-08)
Guest Editor of the special Volume of Elements: "When the Continental Crust melts" (2011).
REFEREE for: AJES, CRAS, Comput. Geosci, CMP; EPSL; Elements, EJM, GCA, Geology, Geol. Mag., Geol. Mat. Res., GRL, Iranian J. Sci. Tech., IJES, J. Geol. Soc. London, JMG., JPet, Lithos, Miner. Depos., Min. Mag., Phys. Chem. Earth., Proceed. O.D.P., SMPM, Terra Nova.
Referee for: CIVR; ESF; MIUR-PRIN; NRF of South Africa; Uni-Siena, PRAT uni-PD; RCSA, USA; BLANC, France; SNF, Switzerland; NSC, Poland; ESC, Estonia; DFG, Germany.
Member of the ASN - Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale Commitee (2016-2018)
Director of the PhD School in Earth Sciences at UniPD (2004-2007)
Coordinator of the FP6 Marie Curie "EURISPET"
Coordinator of ISPET (MIUR Interlink)
Supervisor of 8 PhD and 8 Postdocs
Bernardo Cesare, ASIS FRPS, is also an award-winning microphotographer specialized in artistic photography of rocks and minerals under a polarizing microscope. His images explore the intersection between geology and art and communicate geological histories and information with the help of their aesthetic impact.
Cesare's rock photomicrographs have been displayed in photo galleries, at mineralogical and scientific exhibits and in Natural Sciences Museums in Italy, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, UK and USA, and published in photographic and popular magazines, and in geological journals.
In 2009 he starts the MicROCKScopica - Rock Art project (